My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

How to buy medicine from Canada

Up to 80% off brand name & generic medication from Canada. Free Shipping* (US). Visit

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*By purchasing here you help Girl with MS and Caroline Craven continue their MS advocacy work.*
MS is expensive.  Extremely so at times.

One of my number one questions received from viewers lately is "are the medicines from Canada the same and are they really worth the savings?" followed by, "is it legal?"

So, here is my review on

Why buy prescription drugs from Canada?  

It's cheap and you are getting the same product.

The fact is, US charges much more for pharmaceutical drugs.  A LOT more.  I am a big fan and very loyal to serving American businesses but I am also quite thrifty and am not a fan of throwing my money away.  And many of my MS friends are limited in income, surviving on disability at a pittance of what their time and talents are worth.

One thing I can do is help provide a safe, economical option for MS patients.

Pricing Examples:

Several MS drugs are offered at savings.  Check out this comparison on some commonly used drugs for MS patients:

Disease Modifying Treatments (DMTs)
        EXAMPLES:                                                                                                   AS LOW AS:


Signing up for is easy.  Enter your email and create a password.  It will also ask for your address and some basic information.  It will ask for the name of your Dr so have that handy.  And then wait for the confirmation email before signing in.  If you do it too soon it will say "access denied".  Just wait for that email and then try.  Voila!   Easy Peasy.  

Then just search for the drug you want. It does not have to be an MS drug.  Any prescription you have that carries, you're eligible to get at a much reduced cost.   

Easy to order and my drugs are on the way!  It came out about half the cost by the time shipping was included.  I'll take that all day long.  

Click here for some commonly asked questions about ordering drugs from Canada.

Are they the same drug? 

Yes, these prescription drugs are the same.  While packaging might be different these are the same drugs one would receive in the US.  Learn more here.

Is this legal?  

Yes, purchasing through Canada is completely legal.  Learn more here.

I am not a doctor and this website should not be considered medical advice. I may receive monetary compensation for some recommendations, although I only endorse products that I personally feel strongly about standing behind. Thank you. 


  1. Just received my first prescription. Thank you! Saved a lot of money and now that we’re in the system, will take less time with the next order. Love it!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. HI, Greetings. I see your put very analytical and comparative review here. I guess this is extremely beneficial for the drug or medicine buyers learning your comparative view. I was surprised see the price difference between American and Canadian medicine. But why the difference. Absolutely you explained it very easy and thoughtful way. But the next question may be arisen, why US charge much and what the logic behind it whereas the neighboring country can supply the same drugs with low price? Anyway, your price example was very significant and glad to learn about I would surely take a look into later. BTW would you please allow me to share a site that can be helpful for dispensary owners and also the medicine consumers to get their drugs available easy and it here
