My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

10 Tips for Living with Multiple Sclerosis - Holiday edition!

I first created this list for the holidays.  But really, they help anytime!  These are lifestyle changes that do make a difference.

As a certified MS life coach I'm often called into service during stressful times.  The tools we create and work with help us throughout the year, which is an added bonus.  

The holidays take planning when living with a chronic illness like MS.  Somethings are easy, some are more difficult.  

Here are 10 simple tricks to help us all get through the next few weeks a little calmer, a little better.  

Here's to thriving versus surviving.  

10 TIPS for Staying Healthy during the Holidays with Multiple Sclerosis

Lifestyle Tip #1:  Breathe Deep.  
One trick is to inhale to the count of four.  Hold for a count of six.  Exhale for eight.  
Breath into your lungs. Then let that breath seep into the belly. Then even further to the gut. 
Connecting our breath from brain, to gut, can open our minds!  
Try it and let me know!

Lifestyle Tip #2:  Finding gratitude.
Think of 1 thing each morning that you are grateful for and why. 
Write it down.    

Lifestyle Tip #3:  Watch what you eat.
Small portions.  Eat with INTENTION, not at the computer or on the hoof. 


Lifestyle Tip #4:  Sleep is utmost, but can be most difficult.  Keep that blue light off, no TV, devices, can help.  Reading, relaxing tea, yin yoga, essential oils, mediation and more. 

More about Sleeping and MS:   

Lifestyle Tip #5:  Find a Healthy Escape!  
Medication, music, coloring, strolling, exploring nature, photography,
cooking, gardening, art, reading and more.  
Be kind to you!   

Lifestyle Tip #6:  Seek advice and help.  
Whether an MS community group like BelongMS  - an app for those living with MS.
Click on link to download app - and join my channel "The Girl with MS".  
Find an in - person group, a therapist, counselor, your doctor.  You are not alone!

Lifestyle Tip #7:  Help Others
The act of helping others, whether volunteering or donating, creates an sense of happiness
that I find addicting. It also gives me a sense of purpose that gives my life substance.  

Lifestyle Tip #8:  Communicate.  
During these busy times, and really all times, it would behoove us to follow these simple rules:
Call a friend
Do not assume

Lifestyle Tip #9:  Be Kind to YOU! 
Pamper yourself.  What makes you happy?  Do it!   
Bathe, spa time, massage, hiking, cooking...anything you want.  

Lifestyle Tip #10:  Smile.
See someone without a smile?
Give them yours!   

I accomplished several goals last week.  Took a nature sketching stroll with 
a group of people 
at our local gardens.  
Made me happy, created some hand-eye coordination, tried something new

That too is a key.  Something new.

Try something new!   
