My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Watcher: Mystery, Murder, Mayhem and a Lady with MS


A FUN read featuring a lady living with MS but not focusing on her MS. Watcher, by Jason Stokes, is a tried and true murder mystery and it just happens that the leading lady has MS.  And those with it will relate as she struggles obstacles with adrenaline us MS warriors know about.  The kind that you dig up from the bottom of your well when your well is empty. The kind that comes from survival, from necessity.  

The story flows freely and frantic enough to keep the adrenaline going and the intrigue in motion. Thoroughly enjoyable and well done, I thought the author had MS because Jason Stokes nails it on what it’s like living with MS, or at least for me.  So many times I thought, “I know that feeling,” only to be swept up by the story and taken off to some ledge to hang on til I turned the page.  Not sure I’ve read that quickly in a long time! 

Any way, I had to share with you all. Need a distraction?  Try Watcher by Jason Stokes.   This Girl with MS sure enjoyed it!     

Click here to purchase

*My opinions and this is not my affiliate link - proceeds go to author* 

Taken directly from Gestalt Publishing:     

What she saw may cost her life.

Teri is a watcher. A silent witness to the lives of others. Robbed of her strength and mobility by a devastating disease, when she witnesses a crime so vicious it forces her to choose between her own safety and a woman she's never met, she'll have to untangle a web of corruption, clear her name and catch a killer before she's the next to disappear.


     Watcher was written as a love letter to the MS community and everyone struggling with chronic debilitating disease. A message on every page that though disability can steal your strength, rob you of your physical assets and change how the world chooses to perceive you, you are still strong. You accomplish more before getting out of bed than most people manage all day and that deserves to be celebrated.

    Teri is flawed but she is human, like the rest of us and she is empowered with the indomitable gift of an unbreakable spirit.