My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Precision medicine, DNA and MS - Oh just spit in the tube!

What does saliva have to do with MS?  

Many people with MS are inspired to help others with their illness by being part of medical research.  People living with MS can help with research from clinical trials and all the way to the other end of spectrum, filling out surveys or spitting into a tube.  

I am one of those people.  Everyone is different and this is a very personal choice.  One of my goals in life is to help others with MS so my decision was made early on - how can I help MS research and have fun learning more about myself? With this in mind, I decided to use my DNA for research. And I joined the #SanoCommunity.  

Is MS Genetic? 

Is MS genetic?  Is it inherited?  Well, it is complex according to Patrick Short, CEO, Sano Genetics.  But there is a genetic factor that can dis-regulate the immune system.  There are many genetic aspects that can affect ones tendency toward MS.  I cover more of this in my article, "New Research Shows MS May be Genetic in Some Families," originally posted on    

How genetic is MS?  How much does the environment affect MS?  Many of these answers can be found via Sano and their research.   

Other non-medical conditions become available in Sano's personalized reports.  I found this super interesting, learning about reactions to certain foods, or response to stress, or allergy tendencies.  I'm now curious how my family compares to me!  

By participating in research and sharing your DNA data (totally your choice!) you are helping the researchers better understand the genetic element of conditions like MS   The goal is to be able create precision medicine based on DNA and solid clinical research.  

The Sano DNA Kit Reveal! 

What does DNA have to do with MS and our health?  Time to think of the future folks, time to think ahead and what may become reality.  

I greatly appreciated this interview by Kathy Reagan Young ( and Patrick Short ( to better understand DNA, MS and Personalized Medicine:

Privacy is key

Once you sign up on Sano and upload your DNA data (if you have it, it is not essential for signing up) it is your choice to say "yes, share my data" or "no, don't share my data".  The control is in your hands.  Most other groups will sell your data.  Sano uses the data for research if and only if you approve.  

Visit the website to learn more: 

  • Check out reports!  

Explore the Sano Blog - Personal stories about living with people living with MS you know and some that are new.   #ArdraShephard @trippingonair and #EliseOsmond from Australia.  Click here for the #SanoCommunity stories! 


The 5 "P's" of Personalized Medicine

When I first heard of the five "P's" of personalized medicine, which was just yesterday, I thought, WOW, this is the ultimate self-care tool.  Imagine being able to predict or prevent MS, or make a more precise diagnoses.  Personalized and targeted intervention may not be far in our future.  And all of this creates a more participatory role for patients.  Self-care.  Patient stories. DNA.  An interesting mix.  

Prediction & Prevention of disease

more Precise diagnoses

Personalized and targeted interventions

a more Participatory role for patients

So many questions to ask, things to learn, and eyes to open.  Thank you Patrick Short, Kathy Reagan Young with, and everyone at Sano who is rocking the MS world with their hard work and dedication.  

Connect with SanoGenetics, Patrick Short and more! 

Thank you for joining the #SanoCommunity, engaging, and commenting.  We love to hear from you across platform and look forward to hearing about your DNA experience!   #takeTHATms!  

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