My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Resilience and MS - Life Coach Sessions Coming Up!

Are you just surviving or are you thriving?  

I recently found that surviving had become my focus. I had lost sight of the thriving aspect of life. It was time to make a shift toward positive awareness of the resiliency I have within me to make a difference with my MS.

Life throws us many transitions and it's not easier with MS, but we can and will get through them.  What are these transitions?  Anything from the diagnosis to having children to working to just living.  

Can Do MS is an organization that's making a difference in many people's lives, especially mine!  During these pandemic times my resiliency seemed pushed to the limits.  But the folks at Can Do MS have this exciting year long plan to keep us all in top form with our MS for 2021.  

On March 17, I took part in a life coaching session with Rosalind Kalb, PhD, and about 100 folks with MS.  It was amazing.  We broke out into rooms and had some great in-depth discussions, after learning some important tips and tricks to deal with our MS and all the personal transitions we go through.  It was eye-opening, supportive, safe and comforting.  

Our next Coaching Session is March 30:

Register today for Building Resilience to Overcome Setbacks, Tuesday, March 30, 6pm ET by clicking here.

Upcoming Programs

During March we are exploring resiliency in MS transition and exploring everything from articles to JUMPSTART programs to Coaching and Webinars.   

We'd love to see you join us during one of these interesting events.  I'll be speaking again at the coaching session on March 30.  (Link above)



By: Matthew Sacco, PhD, Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN

The term “resilient” has become increasingly more a part of our mainstream and popular culture vernacular.  It is a term that conjures up ideas such as determination, strength, and fortitude. But, when it comes to living with a chronic condition such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), what does resilient really mean?  

click for more...


Register Today for a Virtual JUMPSTART® Experience

During these uncertain times, Can Do MS is thrilled to offer our popular JUMPSTART Program virtually. 
Find connection during isolation, learn from healthcare professionals, and explore resources to help your family thrive with MS - all from the comfort and safety of home!

2021 Virtual Programs

Join us for our live, online JUMPSTART programs!

It's easy to get started!

  1. Register (for one or all programs) at no charge!
  2. Connect with MS experts in real-time during the live program which features a Q&A panel and group discussion.Space is limited. Register, log on, and JUMPSTART your best life today!

Can Do MS creates monthly programs to get people engaged and informed.  There are a whole bunch of programs coming up. A full list is located on their website by clicking here or click on image below to register.  

"Bouncing Back and Moving Forward" is this week on March 25!   



Virtual Group Coaching & Connections. 

When we connect with a group of people to give and receive support, amazing things happen. 

In these one-hour coaching sessions, you will join a community of people with MS and support partners to build connections, address challenges, and feel more resilient to make life changes.

Register for one or all of the upcoming coaching sessions today! Click here for all the sessions.  

Register today for Building Resilience to Overcome Setbacks, Tuesday, March 30, 6pm ET by clicking here.

We are looking forward to seeing you and talking about overcoming setbacks!   and #takeTHATms!