My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Conquer MS with Self-Care! Tips and tricks for surviving these Covid Times.

Tips for Surviving 2022 and beyond with MS

For nearly 20 years now I have been battling my multiple sclerosis (MS).  Good days, bad days, every which way days.  I’ve had them all.   


I could not walk or see unassisted when the MS struck me.  Now I’m thriving in my own MS way.  It’s not the life I was used to or expected for me, but you know what happens when we have too many “plans”.  Time to let go and let life plan itself. Time to move forward with MS.  My success has been based on a natural, holistic approach to living with a lot of monitoring and help from my doctors. Life skills and stress management have played major rolls in my success.

Times like these we can benefit from learning to move more

TiPS and TRiCKS to stay healthy and cool this Summer:

Importance of Making a Plan B

Escaping the Red Zone of MS

Cooling and Healing Tips for MS

Join GWMS on youtube 

Radio Show - Tips and Tricks for living better with MS

"I'm newly diagnosed with MS - now what?" 


MS Living Well Podcast 9: Cognition and Multiple Sclerosis

MAY 21, 2020


Barry Singer MD, Director of The MS Center for Innovations in Care interviews:
Caroline Craven aka The Girl with MS is a certified life coach, writer and motivation speaker. Her writing focuses on articles in health journalism and highly rated blog. Her blog post topics range from personal experiences, research-based articles, recipes, life hacks and resources.

Click For Apple Podcasts

Click For MS Living Well Podcast 

Dave Bexfield ( along with Kathy Reagan Young (, Cathy Chester ( And many more saved this Girl with MS during some really dark times. And that was before Covid. We have so much love and support out there. Reach out and see what there is to learn. Click here to see the full list of helpers/advocates. We’ve got this!



The Rocky Ride of MS and What Helped

Multiple Sclerosis is like riding a roller coaster in so many ways. 

This past year has shown a lot of love for this Girl with MS.  Some symptoms subdued, others raised their voices.  But top on my list was meeting so many wonderful people living with MS across the country, in person and around the world via the internet and telephone.

Despite my good year and pleasant holiday, the MS reared its ugly head with a bad case of pseudo bulbar affect or PBA.  One minute laughing, the next in tears.  I just call it the funk.  And it got a holt of me bad the other day. 

The fact it's the end of the year caused a bit of the emotions. Focusing on what did not get done in 2019 led me down a path of quick depression.  Even healthy people have to give themselves a break, but the pressure and disappointment that one can put on themselves can be debilitating.  And that's where I found myself.  

You know what helped?  All of these MS advocates and friends Read more...

Football season is a coming, not sure what it will look like but I’m getting ready.  Love my Oregon Ducks and Puddles!  #takeTHATms!
Take the Self-Care Challenge! 

Self-Care is vital in our fight against MS.  What can we do for ourselves?  Life skills lead to better health. One of these skills is to learn to quiet the mind... read more

Potential natural treatments for MS 

Alternative Therapies for MS  

Why me?  managing anger in MS

Surviving the Covid Quarantine

Life as an MS patient brings enough uncertainty and stress. 
These last five months have created challenges upon challenges. But it’s also provided opportunities.  I started a sourdough starter as did many people. I can’t eat a lot of gluten as it affects my MS in a bad way but it’s been fun making stuff for the family.  More importantly is that I posted two great resources to learn more about living with MS during Covid.  One is by the awesome @CathyChes at The Empowered Spirt and the other by Dr. Terry Wahls and the Wahls Group.  Did you know that elderberry during this time may not be a good thing?  So much to more...

Take action to potentiate your wellness. 

Other natural treatments for MS symptoms.
Keep on Moving if and when you can! It took me awhile to build up my strength after some time off. And this heat will have me down for awhile, but enjoy the little moments and all achievements.  

10 Ways you Can Prepare to Age Well with MS
by guest writer Anita Fernandes

Conquer MS with Self-Care:  GUT HEALTH

Much research has been done regarding gut health and MS.  And let’s face it – our guts are not healthy!  When we take pills by swallowing they have to compete with every other bacteria in your stomach and gut.  This can be a detriment for folks living with MS.  


  1. Thanks for sharing this great post.


  2. Great post with good information. At Ardour Wellness we offer health, wellness, Skincare, and beauty solutions that re-ignite the spark and fire in you.

  3. After an MRI i was diagnosed of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. After years on medications, symptoms worsened with tremors on my right hand, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and loss of speech. Fortunately last year, I learnt about Mayaka Natural Clinic (ww w. mayakanaturalclinic. c om) and their effective MS Formula treatment through an MS support group on facebook the Multiple Sclerosis treatment made a great difference, most of my symptoms including balance, weakness, falling alot and others gradually disappeared. I improved greatly over the 4 months treatment, its been a year since the treatment, i have no symptoms. I have a very good quality of life and a great family!


  4. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 1 month after I turned 50. My grandma is 96 and had it since she was in her 20s. I have been on WORLDHERBSCLINIC MS HERBAL FORMULA, the first TWO MONTHS was daily and now I am on 3 times a week. It has made a tremendous difference for me. The fatigue never gets to me again.

  5. Been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015, and I was a woman of 50. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2017 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none so far on Copaxone. I do notice my balance was getting worse, and my memory, i had no choice to sick for other solution and I was introduce to multivitamincare .org which I purchase the MS herbal formula from the org, the herbal supplement has successfully  get rid of my multiple sclerosis and reversed all symptoms after using the herbs as the Dr said , this is almost a miracle and do believe multivitamincare .org herbal cure will be recognize globally because am sure the world are yet to see their wonderful work.
