My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Facebook shuts down theGirlwithMS without warning, specific reason or recourse

On 25 May, 2020, our USA Memorial Day, I received notice that my personal facebook account had been shut down and needed to be verified.  After using every tool offered by FB, I was eventually told that I had been verified and would not be verified again. This account was how I access my fb page,  

In shutting me down they also shut down my Instagram account.  No specific reason. No warning.  And no way to contact either facebook or instagram.  

At the height of our COVID quarantine, I found myself completely isolated from all of my friends, my family, the thousands of people living with MS who follow me, and all of my MS support groups.  As a disabled person, I rely heavily on all social media to help me stay sane and healthy.  Maybe that was a mistake. 

With all the crud I see on facebook, why in the heck would they take down Girl with MS?  I have no way to see who contacts me via my contact button.  I can no longer make posts or share important MS studies and tips for thriving with this chronic illness.  I didn’t get sent to jail.  I got sent to death row.  

Thank you Mark Zuckerberg and your algorithms!

Not only did I lose contact with my support group and my MS world, but I lost the ability to continue my MS advocacy via two major platforms, part of which support my finances for living.  Maybe fb has gotten too big.  

I lost half of my GirlwithMS branding that has been ten years in the making.  I’ve lost handles that are no longer available. I’ve lost clients, became in default of contracts, and lost every single memory I have made on facebook and instagram these last 12 years. Every photo is gone. I was wiped off the earth as if in some comic book cleansing.  

Here is my facebook page and if you go there and like it and comment to reopen it, the efforts may help! 

I have had attorneys interested in covering the case the but the cost was too high.  I’m working with an advocacy/lobbying group right now and hope to have some resolve soon.   

Here is my last post. I’m glad I had a back up admin to help, but then her privileges were revoked.  Was there something wrong with the page?  If I did anything wrong than I should be notified and given the chance to correct it.  

Is talking positive and sharing tips and research about MS too much for fb to handle?  Is this disability discrimination?  I have no idea but am waiting for some answers.  

It’s time to end the Facebook/Instagram domination and discrimination against those with disabilities.   

I don’t have an image of my old Instagram account, TheGirlwithMS.  There are others out there but they are not mine.  It has been stripped from IG.  

I’m just a white face in a gray background.  Sounds about right for 2020.  

Anyone living with multiple sclerosis or their loved ones will benefit from this page being reopened.  Anyone who is tired of Facebook and Instagram’s use of algorithms and lack of customer service will benefit.  Everyone who wants justice for the good of the public will benefit.  

Facebook and Instagram closed my accounts without warning or recourse. As an award winning blogger and MS advocate, I spend a lot of time, money and energy with Facebook and Instagram. Both of these platforms provide my services as an MS life coach and advocate.  They also connect me with friends, community and support groups.  

By the way, FB had no problem charging my credit card for ads that were running to promote traffic to my site:, even though I had no access to change the ad or stop running it.  

The stress this has brought on as a medically disabled person trying to make a living and stay healthy is over the top.  I’ve lost income, thousands of social followers, lost traffic to my blog, lost half of my Girl with MS brand identity and have suffered relapses due to the stress.  

Please help my fight this and have our rights restored!   

Here is my facebook page and if you go there and like it and comment to reopen it, the efforts may help! 

Thank you for your support!  

Caroline Craven

Writer | Speaker | MS advocate | Life Coach 

You may find me on Twitter @thegirlwithMS.


  1. It touches home as I am a 45 years old female with very aggressive Multiple Sclerosis that does stand up comedy. Ms has negatively impacted my life in so many ways, but I gotta say that it has made me stronger and a better person in a lot of ways. I feel so happy and excited to see myself recover from MS very fast. I can talk very well and walk freely now. Here is herbal centre that helped me recover incase you need their help mayakaherbalclinic. c om

  2. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and had a stroke a few years after his diagnosis. His conditions left him with problems with swallowing and burning mouth syndrome ,blurred vision BUT his gait improved after starting the multivitamincare .org formulas which they prescribe , he started swinging his stiff arm again and could write legible after the usage of their products . The chief of neurology at the multivitamin care always said his condition will reverse back to normal i did not believe not until last month here after his new result.

  3. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 1 month after I turned 50. My grandma is 96 and had it since she was in her 20s. I have been on WORLD HERBS CLINIC MS HERBAL FORMULA (w ww worldherbsclinic co m), the first TWO MONTHS was daily and now I am on 3 times a week. It has made a tremendous difference for me. The fatigue never gets to me again. When I do too much, I don’t feel weak anymore..

  4. After years on medications, my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms worsened with tremors on my right hand, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and loss of speech. Fortunately last year, i learnt about Mayaka Natural Clinic and their Multiple Sclerosis alternative treatment (ww w. mayakanaturalclinic. com), the treatment made a great difference for me, most of my symptoms including tremors, weakness and others gradually disappeared. I improved greatly over the 6 months MS treatment, its been a years since the treatment, i have no symptoms. I have a very good quality of life and a supportive family!

  5. Ms formula we got from Tree of life My symptoms including numbness and muscle weakness all disappeared after the treatment plan! Their website is w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic. c o m.

  6. I was diagnosed of Multiple Sclerosis a couple of years ago, I had severe fatigue, difficulty with mobility and sleeping. I was given medications which helped but only for a short while. So i decided to try alternative measures and began on MS HERBAL TREATMENT from Kykuyu Health Clinic, It made a tremendous difference for me (Go to www. kykuyuhealthclinic .com). I had improved walking balance, muscle strength and improved vision

  7. Many people with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, myself included, have found success with WORLDHERBSCLINIC MS HERBAL FORMULA. And when you need great HERBAL FORMULA side effect free recipes, WORLDHERBSCLINIC has the best!

  8. I was diagnosed 2010. i was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. My symptoms progressed quickly. Soon i was having Pain and spasms, Vision problems and even numbness and severe Fatigue. With the help of Kycuyu Health Clinic natural herbs I have been able to reverse my symptoms using diet, herbs, which i feel has made the most difference. The (MS) natural formula immensely helped my condition, it reversed my Multiple sclerosis. my Balance problems and dizziness, my Vision problems and mobility. gradually disappeared. Visit KYCUYU HEALTH CLINIC via their official web-site www. Kycuyuhealthclinic .com i am glad to get my life back DON’T GIVE UP HOPE!!!

  9. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 1 month after I turned 47. My grandma is 95 and has had it since she was in her 20s. I have been on Copaxone, the first year was daily and later was on 40 mg 3 times a week which was supposed to help me. It made a tremendous difference for me at first. Although the fatigue is what really gets to me. When I do too much I do start to feel weak, but I had no other choice because my neurologist said this is the only medication for MS. I quit my job because I was a liability, There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment. Around 7 months ago I began to do a lot of research and  was introduced to the Health Herbs Clinic and their effective Multiple Sclerosis treatment.  When I started the MS treatment I felt like a miracle had happened. Feel as good as I can feel. Started driving including on a freeway.  The herbal treatment is a sensation.. “Just google openpaymentsdata and see how much your doctor is getting paid ! AWESOME!!! They make money while we suffer.”  I Just wanted to share for people suffering from this disease to visit healthherbsclinic. com it’s a 10 out of 10 from me! I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.

  10. My Dad first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribed worked, we were all scared we might lose him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he passed. doctor recommended natural treatment from the madiba Herbal Center for his ALS we have no choice but to give a try on natural organic treatment, this herbal cure has effectively reversed my father's condition, losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stop after the completing the herbal supplement which include his weakness in his right arm and his speech, home remedies from www. madibaherbalcenter. com,is the best although their service is a little bit expensive but it worth it, they save lives.
