My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

The Rocky Ride of MS and What Helped

Multiple Sclerosis is like riding a roller coaster in so many ways.

This past year has shown a lot of love for this Girl with MS.  Some symptoms subdued, others raised their voices.  But top on my list was meeting so many wonderful people living with MS across the country, in person and around the world via the internet and telephone.

Despite my good year and pleasant holiday, the MS reared its ugly head with a bad case of pseudo bulbar affect or PBA.  One minute laughing, the next in tears.  I just call it the funk.  And it got a holt of me bad the other day. 

The fact it's the end of the year caused a bit of the emotions. Focussing on what did not get done in 2019 led me down a path of quick depression.  Even healthy people have to give themselves a break, but the pressure and disappointment that one can put on themselves can be debilitating.  And that's where I found myself.  

You know what helped?  Knowing my new neurologist and his nurse were just a phone call away.  And second, reaching out to all of you, reading your stories and reminding myself that we can get through this disease.  We have each other, and that, my friends means the world to me.  

Here are just a few of the great folks.  They all do amazing work/writing/advocating.  Click on their names to visit their blogs/websites.  This list will be growing!  

with Cathy Chester

with Dave Bexfield

This Group! Amazing folks

with Lydia Emily
with Ashley Ringstaff and Nicole Lemmer 
Nicole Lemmer - My New Normals

with Carolyn Kaufmann

 Carolyn Kaufmann - Without the Weight

with Dr. Barry Singer 
Dr. Barry Singer - MS Living Well  

with Cheryl Hill - marathon runner
Each and everyone of these people are deeply involved with MS.  Most of us living with it.  Such inspiration from all of you.  Thank you and here's to a happy, healthy new year.  May 2020 find you with peace and love and minimal MS junk.

I know there are many folks missing off this list.  It's a work in progress.  Been making some Hoppin' John and it's ready for chow time.  I'm ready and dang, I'm hungry!



  1. I am having joints pain in both hands inside and outside and muscle weakness due to multiple sclerosis (MS). I am falling a lot, I have headaches and lightheadedness. I cannot keep myself balanced, and walk with a tremor like I cannot control my steps. I had taken avonex for two years. Presently I am taking Mayaka MS HERBAL FORMULA TREATMENT (ww w. mayakaherbalcentre. c om). I take it twice daily morning and evening. I have experience a continual diminution of symptoms. it's a powerful herbal formula, 10 out of 10 from me!

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