My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Moving Forward with MS

I am blessed to share my MS story.  Please note this post represents my own opinions.

When MS first hit me, it hit hard and fast.  I couldn’t walk or see unassisted.

Today, I am thriving.

These last twenty years have been quite a journey, containing frustrations as well as accomplishments.

Flare-ups still occur and managing my MS is a full time job.  But, I have found some tips and tricks that can help everyone.

New MS Guide

AND, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society just released a comprehensive guide, “Now What? Resources to Keep You Moving Forward with MS,” which is amazing.  I sure wish it was around sooner!  But it’s here now and boy does it have some great tips.  No matter how long one has this illness, there is always something new to learn.  Growing and learning are all part of the moving forward process.

Creative Outlet

One suggestion the Society talks about is finding a creative outlet, such as painting, photography or writing.  This is so cool, because this is the path my life took without consciously knowing about.

My career as a business executive ended when I got sick.  Time to re-invent myself.  During this time I picked up a camera and started playing around.

Interestingly, this action made a HUGE difference with my MS.  The focus and attention required for the photography helped me forget about the MS.  The hand-eye coordination helped my brain and chasing wildlife made me smile.  Win-win in all areas.

My adventures led me to Africa and the Galápagos Islands, among other places.

These are some of my favorite photographs.  They are all a result of patience.  Waiting, being still and quiet, breathing deep, finger on the trigger ready to squeeze.

I swear, this saved me in so many ways!

In Ecuador atop Colorado 

Galápagos Islands: Patience for the Petrol 

Maasai in Tanzania: three planes and one relapse later... 

Tanzania: Fearing for their safety, the herd finally settled down just long enough to grab this shot.

If you would like to see more of my photographs please visit this link.

Moving Forward

In order to keep thriving it’s important to keep moving forward.  I still love photography but now I want to try something new. I’ve dabbled in drawing and painting so decided to try one those nice paint by number kits that are growing in popularity.

In fact, I am using this photograph of one of Darwin’s finches in the Galápagos Islands.  I am so excited. I’ll keep you posted on the progress!

Galápagos Islands: Female Cactus Finch
Thank you all for being such a wonderful support for me.  I’m excited to hear what you think about the new MS guide from the Society.  I’m finding it quite helpful!



  1. Very positive post. I was a photographer until the shakes made that too hard - and my wife adopted the camera with outstanding results. Nowadays, I write my blog and fiction - and travel in game worlds.

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