My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Me and My Cubii: a Convenient Exercise for MS.

On frequent occasion I am asked to review a product. They’re often sent or mailed and sometimes they are great and sometimes a flop.  

I was rushing through a bunch of emails one day and responded to an email from Dave at Cubii.  OK, Dave, sure, go ahead and send me your product.  I was moving so fast I never did prepare myself for what was to come. 

Well, a pretty hefty box was delivered to my front door.  Hmmmm.  I really didn’t remember it was coming.  

On the outside of the box was an image of a small stepping machine.  

My interest was piqued.  What is this and how could it help me? 

Intimidated at first, I walked around the box for several days.  

Then, one day when feeling especially strong and curious, I pulled the box out of the hall and into the familiar room.  And slowly I began to unbox the gift.  

I was expecting a much bigger project.  I’m still laughing at how easy it was to unpack and set up the Cubii.  

First of all, everything is simple, easy and well-marked. The box even comes with its own screwdriver.  

I don’t think it took even five minutes to put together.  

The Cubii is so easy to set up - Check me out:  

I’m not one for too many gadgets but for someone with balance issues and heat sensitivity, this little device came just in the nick of time.  In fact I was just grousing about the 90F weather and how I was needing some exercise.  

So, I plopped my bum down on a comfy chair and started walking away. Seemed like a great time to watch TV, so I turned on some cooking shows.  Oh, how I love my cooking shows!  

Ten minutes was done in no time.  Wow.  OK.  That was easy!   

I don’t have a desk that will work with the Cubii, because that would be cool.  Walking and writing at the same time without any chance of falling.  

My Cubii sits in front of a comfy chair in the den. I don’t spend much time there but it’s a nice space.  I can Cubii while watching TV, talking on the phone, playing games on my app or even reading.  The exercise is very gentle. When my legs are stronger, the tension can be increased to make a more rigorous workout.  For now, I’m into gentle.  

Interestingly, my knees felt great after this little workout. The angle seems quite beneficial to my weak and damaged joints. My core is also used while walking.  These pictures show it best: 

It’s super easy:     

I told my neurologist about it and she was psyched.  I am too!  

Now its a part of my morning routine.  Cup of decaf, some morning news and my Cubii.  Thank you, Dave, for reaching out to me!  I appreciate the sponsorship! 

For more information about Cubii click HERE.

This post was sponsored by Cubii. Thank you for helping those with MS live better!  



  1. Although, I'm unsure whether the Cubii comes too late for me - in a wheelchair as my legs don't co-operate much - this looks awesome for others. I can envisage others benefiting so I've tweeted and shared to Facebook.

  2. Thank you for sharing Roland! If you have some use of legs it might be doable. Do you have. PT or DR you could ask?

  3. My legs are virtually useless these days. I rarely see my doctor and have no PT since I moved from the UK.

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