My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Game of Thrones for MS

Well, it’s a wrap!

Our Game of Thrones party is in the books.

My brother, Bruce Craven, recently wrote the book, Win or Die: Leadership Skills from Game of Thrones.

Bruce is a professor at Columbia University as well as director of their executive education programs.  Before graduating from Columbia with his MFA, he was a banana slug playing frisbee at UC Santa Cruz studying literature and political science.

He is in amazing big brother.  Always there for his family and friends.  One true gem of a man.

Containing many valuable tools, his book provides insight on the priorities people place on their values in chapter 2. This chapter resonated with me to the point that a change needed to be made.

Time to adapt!

As I try to balance my MS with my life, I find that the need to set boundaries becomes increasingly important to my health.  But setting boundaries are not as easy as one might think.  There are other people, emotions and feelings to consider.

When reading about values and priorities in Win or Die, it struck a chord.

While many of us may have the same values:  ethics, honor, family, life, honesty, etc., we may value them differently causing discord in communications and expectations.

So my mind started wandering and created a priority of values that drive me.

My values and priorities:  

1.  Treat everyone as you would want to be treated.  Smile at everyone.  Make eye contact. Show respect.

2.  Be resourceful and watch waste.  Food is designed to be eaten, composted or shared with others.  All of it.  Respect the plastic - respect it man!  Soil, water, sunshine.  It’s all a blessing not to be taken for granted.

3.  Take care of yourself.  Eat well, exercise, enjoy the outside, smile at yourself and others. Own your health and own your excuses.

4.  It’s not about the money.

5. It’s about sharing the love.  Principles, lessons and such have their time in the sun.  They will continue but let’s remember what’s important.  Kindness and love to all.

6. It’s also about living a productive life, helping others, providing good services, being honest and upright.

7.  Make smart choices with consumer dollars - do not expect laws to dictate what you purchase. Put your money in your beliefs.

8.  Do not waste time.  Time is the most valuable thing in my life.  With it I can enjoy family, friends, nature, and helping others.

9. Create a safe place for you, your friends and family.  Safety in expressing values, priorities and personal thoughts.

10.  Take actions that result in smiles.  Do not harm anyone or anything.  Be kind.

What does this have to do with MS?

Oh, so very much.

By better understanding my priorities and those of others it makes life easier.  It definitely makes boundaries more effective.

It all starts with communications.  As we better understand ourselves, use these insight to help understand others better.

I never watched GOT until my brother was writing his book.  But when I started, boy did I learn a lot.

“It’s what we learn after we think we know it all that counts,” says my former riding instructor, Jimmy Williams.  And it resonates today.

Keep learning.  Use it live a better life with MS.

And know that, we’ve got this guys!


CLICK HERE to Purchase your copy of Win or Die.

I do make a very small affiliate fee for each purchase.