My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Thank you Selma Blair - #YesWeCane

Dear Selma,

You are such  a trooper.

Showing up during a flare up and rocking the red carpet.  Total baller.  We love you Selma!

Folks may not realize just how important your decisions and actions are for us living with MS.  Sure, we’ve had many celebrities in the past tooting their MS horn.  And we’ve appreciated all of them.

But to see someone, living in a relapse, experiencing dysphonia and other MS symptoms, walk the red carpet during the 2019 Academy Awards Vanity Fair party is just the best ever.

And, what makes it even more special is your positive attitude.  Your neurologist said you have about a 90% chance to return to normal.  Stay positive and focused.

Everyone with MS responds differently to the disease and to treatments.

Seventeen years ago, I could not walk or see unassisted.  I looked like I had consumed several martinis by 8 AM.

But you know what?  After perseverance and taking care of myself, I have recovered from many of my earlier symptoms.   It’s not easy, this day to day management of MS, but its doable.

Be easy on yourself and be compassionate toward your MS.   Watch you diet and reduce modifiable risk factors.

Some of my tips for newly diagnosed are here:  Tips for Newly Diagnosed with MS

And most important - reach out and ask for help if you need it.  It’s so easy to isolate with MS, but today let’s focus on sharing our stories and using them to help others.

You, my dear, are a rockstar in so many ways.   Take care and know that there is an entire MS community here for you if you need us.

And remember, #yeswecane and  #takeTHATms!

Best wishes,

Caroline Craven

If you missed Selma Blair on the red carpet - check it out:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Amazing Spirit!! I hope to be this strong as it progresses.
