My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Find a new you with 30-Day ReNew YOU Self-Care Challenge

Jan 1, 2019 - time to make a change.  Bad habits crept in and I paid the price.  I’m doing my own 30-day ReNew YOU challenge - Want to join me?

Click here to follow my daily journal.

I had pretty bad pain during the night and not sure why.  My diet was low sodium and pretty healthy.  That can often cause the pain.  But I was mellow and took care of myself the last few days.  Why the pain?  

The holidays caught up with me both in stress and physical damage. In addition I’ve been feeling a bit down - oh heck, I hit a low.  

But the good news is that all of these are irreversible with specific self care actions.  And it’s time to make a change! 

I’m taking my own thirty-day “ReNew YOU Self-Care Challenge.”   

Want to join me?   CLICK HERE

This easy to follow program will get us starting 2019 in a positive attitude and on our way to reaching our goals.  Let’s do this! 

The Challenge consists of answering questions and formulating an affirmation to carry with you.  There are several sessions and these will be posted here.  

SESSION 1:  Getting Started - Creating Goals and Vision 

SESSION 2:  Action Steps - building a tool box 

SESSION 3:  Building Affirmation - Coming Soon

I do these challenges often and today seems a perfect day to start another.  

Here’s how we’re get started: 

1.  State a goal or two that we want to accomplish. 

2.  Define action steps and tools to get us there.  
3.  Create the inspiration to help us along the way.

Considering my challenges today of pain, stress and feeling low, my goal to kick off the year is to Upgrade my MS health.  I’ve let things slip and by getting back on track my symptoms and stress will be alleviated.  

During the holidays and if I’m not paying attention, my diet creeps higher with sodium, over processed flour and to much refined sugar. This year has been no different.  I’ve also been spending much time on my rear, and not out moving like I could be.  This year has also been a wonderful year of expenses.  Wonderful because they all represent memories and fun times.  But alas, time to tighten that money belt down and gain some control.  

I acknowledge these weaknesses, own them and know they  must change.  Time to rein in the unhealthy desires and replace them with positive, healthy habits.  

Join me in the process.  Follow along and answer these questions and we can discuss/chat online or on the phone.

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