My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Day 10: ReNew YOU Journal

Day 10 of my ReNew YOU Challenge

Have you checked out my ReNew YOU challenge?  Interesting stuff here to help you live a better life.

Click here for ReNew YOU
Click here for my daily journal 2019.

An excerpt from today - Jan 10

WOW.  I cant believe I am here.  And would not be here if it weren’t for all of your well wishes and support.

I walked 4 miles today!   Wahooo!!

My work is paying off but still having some issues.

I was having a hard time committing to walking/exercise so my friend joins me - it makes me accountable and I need that!

But because I’m persevering, I am on my way to achieving my goal of improving my MS health by taking self-care steps of wellness.

1.  Walking:  Heading out for my third walk this week:  builds strength and heart health.

2.  Stop and smell the roses:  builds appreciation and gratitude.

3. Do not procrastinate - even the dullest of chores to be done now.  And it’s helping a lot.  They need to be done so just do it!

4.  Eating healthy.  Wish I got a photo of the Sushi Burrito from Bristol Farms.  Delicious!  And Uber healthy.  I split it with my friend.

5.  Time with friends.  Today with my friend on a walk.  Several friends on the phone.

6. Compartmentalize my day for work.  I divided up the day and two hours a day, first thing are spent on GWMS.  then, writing and other gigs come into the picture.  When there is ton to do, it’s important to divide and conquer.

7.  Smile.  Smile and pass it on.  The cheapest form of joy we can spread.

8.  Having moments of doubt?  Repeat your affirmation.   Today, my affirmation is this:

“Because I am walking, working hard and taking care of myself, I am on my way to reaching my goal  of improved health and I am feeling strong, capable and empowered.”

And remember... #takeTHATms!

CLICK HERE TO read the journey...

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