My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

FUMS Podcast: Natural Treatments and MS

Wahoo!  A start of something wonderful and new.  

My first joint FUMS Podcast with host Kathy Reagan Young.  This one is about holistic and natural treatments for MS symptoms.  

Celebrating The FUMS Podcast Show's 20th episode, we're talking to Caroline Craven, The Girl With MS, about natural and holistic treatments for #MS. is the brainchild of Kathy Reagan Young, another MS advocate and warrior.   She has so much great information on her blog.  Her podcasts cover a variety of important topics.  

GREAT NEWS: Caroline is now a contributor to the podcast and will be featured on a regular basis!

We're looking forward to many more of these podcasts.  

What do you want to hear about?   Let us know and Join the conversation!   

CLICK HERE for PODCAST about Natural Treatments for MS Symptoms 

#multiplesclerosis #FUMSnow #takeTHATms!

1 comment:

  1. I think that I, like most students, have constant problems with creating presentations. Usually, I don't do well, and the teacher doesn't accept my work the first time. I spend a lot of time editing them. One of my classmates, who always has the highest score for the presentation, was surprised that I created them myself. He advised me Yesterday I got A. I'm satisfied. I will ask you for help.
