My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Blue Light Blocker Sleep Aid for MS Patients

Something new to try!

I'm finding these quite helpful, especially as days get shorter and more time is spent indoors and under artificial lights.  

Quality sleep is essential for everyone.  

Especially those with chronic illness such as MS.  Our bodies heal while we are sleeping, potentiating cell regeneration.

It was not until recently that I realized how poorly my sleep had become. But then, after a few adjustments, the magic started to happen.  Solid, seven hours of sleep, except for one or two restroom breaks.

This successful sleeping is not from one product or thing, but multiple items working together.

I’ve written about my success with high-dose biotin, Myetin, and continue to brag about the positive effects it has had on my sleeping.  And now, I just took it one step further.

Introducing:  Swannies - the glasses putting blue light stress in the dumpster.

Swannies are made by Swanwick Sleepfounded in 2015 by Australian brothers, James and Tristan Swanwick.

Blue light is artificial light that comes from laptops, iPads, all devices.  And we all know how much time I spend on electronics!   Geez, for an outdoor girl my monitor time can be excessive.

And boy does this stuff mess with your melatonin and all things related to sleeping.   Studies have looked at the damage blue light can cause.  

Straight from their website:  

“There are lights on our screens that we stare into at nighttime after the sun is long gone. Blue light is in your cell phone, TV screen, computer, bathroom and kitchen lights, alarm clock - almost everywhere.

When we stare at these screens - as you may be doing now - it tricks our bodies into thinking it’s still daytime. This means we don’t produce as much melatonin.”

Click Here to Learn More about Swannies!

*Thank you Swanwick Sleep and the makers of Swannies for helping us all sleep better!  
Buy purchasing through these links, 
you help support @thegirlwithms and Caroline Craven continue their MS advocacy. *

MyID - Medical ID Bracelet Give Away!

It's end of summer and school is back in session.   What better way to say #takeTHATms! then to have a Contest!

I Love this time of year - the days are long and the sky is big. But this time of year can be challenging for people living with MS.  The summer heat can do a doozy on us!  And then, with the start of the school year, ther is a lot to get done around the house.  And who can put their MS on hold?

It is times like these that it’s Uber important that we have a medical bracelet on us.  How easy is it to just be running around and then all of a sudden, the MS hits.  Legs might get wobbly or vision gets wonky.  Many of us experience times of needing help.

But we sure don’t want to slow down if we don’t have to!  Here I am fly fishing the Los Angeles River.  Who’d a thunk it five years ago?

This bracelet gives me a level of confidence not had in a long time.  

The MyID medical bracelet is different than others.

I first saw these bracelets from MyID  Last winter and was like, man, I've got to get me one of those!

 There’s a QR code that links first responders and other health care providers to your authorized information in an instant.

They're really cool looking, and look basically indestructible.   I'm excited to get mine in the mail.  But it was difficult to decide which color and design to get.  Many cool options.

MyID and GirlwithMS have partnered up to give away yet another FREE MyID medical bracelet.  Your choice of either the MyID Hive or the MyID Sport.

And all you have to do is enter your name and email at the MyID  website here.

Your emails will only be used for the random drawing, then they will be destroyed.  You are not entering any mailing list nor will you receive anything from MyID.  They gave me their word. 

 Enter here for a random drawing to win a free MyID medical bracelet.  

There are two basic designs, the MyID Hive and the MyID Sport.  And then there are additions you can make, customization.  Color, sliders, information.  Sliders are these little metal ID tabs that slide onto the bracelet.  Especially important if you suffer from more than one illness, which many of us do.

And all you have to do is enter your name and email at the MyID  website here.

Your emails will only be used for the random drawing, then they will be destroyed.  You are not entering any mailing list nor will you receive anything from us.   

Winner will be drawn September 1!  

Thank you MyID for supporting MS awareness and donating a bracelet for our contest.  

My FAVORITE resources for MS warriors!  

My new Resources Page is full of supplements and tricks that I use on a regular basis.  Some are natural treatments for MS symptoms.  Some are ways to save money while treating our MS with a disease modifying treatment.  The Resources Page is located in the menu at top of the blog.  

I’m not a doctor and do not give medical advice.  
These are things that have worked well for me and wanted to share them.  They are also products with clinical research behind them.  Something to check out for sure!

*By purchasing here you help Girl with MS and Caroline Craven continue their MS advocacy work.*

Thank you!  and #takeTHATms!

1. Myetin:   

High dose biotin with NAD+ produced by Avior Nutritionals.

This naturally occurring vitamin is offered in a super high-quality, high-dose of 150mg 2X/day (not the mcgms as seen in local drugstores).  Benefits for everyone are different.  My experience has been amazing with reduced spasms, less pain, increased energy and cognitive clarity.

My Experience with Myetin:

Fact-checked research about high dose biotin:

2. Protandim  

Plant based “nrf2” activator to fight oxidative stress. 
Fight oxidative stress with a natural nrf2 activator.  This plant based supplement is clinically proven to help fight oxidative stress, which leads to inflammation.  Each capsule contains healing properties from plants including:  milk thistle, bacopa monnieri, ashwaghanda, green tea and turmeric.  

My experience has been to feel less MS activity across the board.  With arthritis and other inflammatory based conditions, I find this natural treatment helpful and reliable.  There is also a comfort knowing that these are helping to prevent some damage.  I'm sure how much, but even a little is reassuring!      

Fact Checked Research about Oxidative Stress and Protandim:

Instant access to important medical info for first responders.

Just 2 of the many designs available at MyID

Information is safely stored electronically allowing first responders and other health care providers access when they need it.  

They fashionably come in many colors and styles.  I have three... and use them all the time. I even have one that clips onto my fly fishing bag.  

Special!  10% OFF purchases with CODE:  GWMS 

Special! AUGUST Contest:  Enter to Win a Free Medical Bracelet  

SAVE Money on your prescription drugs! 

Tired of paying exorbitant prices for your Disease Modifying Treatment (DMT) such as Copaxone, Rebif and Gilenya? 

Other expensive prescriptions are available such as cialis, viagra, estragel and more for the many, many results of living with MS.  

Special!  SAVE 5% OFF first purchase with CODE:  GRLW5

a Probiotic used in clinical studies because it's that good!  

We've been hearing about probiotics and gut health for awhile now.  Do something about it because this is truly one of the easiest ways to care for your health.  It's important to use a high quality probiotic such as clinically tested Visbiome, which is kept in the refrigerator.  Please know that probiotics bought from a shelf, not kept cool, is not live cultures.  Not sure why anyone would waste their money on such a thing.   

6. Swannies:    

Blue light blockers to put your body back into natural rhythm.  Find sleep once more!  

With all of our devices and time indoors under unnatural light, these handy glasses can be a life saver in finding sleep.

And, they are a total bonus if it's cloud and gray out because with Swannies on, Life is Always Sunny!  

MORE on Buying Drugs from Canada...

MS sees no borders, neither does the  

Medicine is expensive and many folks can not afford their treatments.  I am proud to off as an option.  This is a Canadian company and can save patients up to 80% off of verypastedGraphic.png expensive drugs.

The image below represents general pricing and not necessarily from


One of my passions is supporting American businesses but let's be honest, they are over the top expensive.  The main reason for prescription drug prices higher in the United States than anywhere else in the world is the existence of government-protected “monopoly” rights for drug manufacturers.  

For more information check out this article:  Why US Drugs Cost So Much More


Have Questions or Concerns?    Check out these facts: 
  • YDS is upheld by stringent Canadian Food & Drug safety standards.
  • They only source from Canada to ensure quality/safety/efficacy of medication sold
  • All orderspastedGraphic.png *must* be accompanied by a legitimate prescription as an on staff doctor does verify before orders can be filled. They have a strict policy about this to maintain their approval and good standing with regulatory bodies
  • They are certified and endorsed both federally and provincially by by CIPA (Canadian International Pharmacy Association) as well as MIPA (Manitoba International Pharmacy Association) and in good standing as a BBB Accredited Business.
  • Also verified by PharmacyChecker, an independent 3rd party which verifies online pharmacies for safety/legitimacy.
  • Free standard shipping on ALL orders over $100 and low rates for orders under $100.
  • Prices marked in local currency so Americans can shop in USD
  • Fonts are large and easy to read for elderly and those with vision issues
  • Easy to use website. Prescriptions can be attached from your device/computer as an image snapped with a smartphone or other type of camera/image device.
  • Search for products by name - brand name and generics available (but they can only fill what the doctor has prescribed so if the RX is for brand, customer can only order that and vice versa if generic).
  • Up to 80% savings made possible simply due to government and regulatory differences between U.S. and Canada. Canada has caps on how much businesses can profit off sale of drugs which means no price gauging as unfortunately is common in the U.S.
  • Registering for an account is free
  • Customer service is available during business hours, M-F where needed and YDS strives to ensure professional, courteous service for all.
  • Packages are shipped discreetly with privacy in mind.
  • 90 Day Return policy and satisfaction guarantee for customer peace of mind
  • Over the counter drugstore products available
  • Accept Visa/Mastercard/Discover or a paper check.
  • YDS does not sell controlled substances or those flagged as highly addictive (i.e. Opiates)
  • They will price match against other CIPA-accredited pharmacies where price is lower (customer must provide proof - info in FAQs).

I hope this is helpful! For more, you may want to review their FAQs here:
