My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Win a FREE medical bracelet!

It's April and what better way to kick off spring then to have a #takeTHATms contest.  

I Love this time of year - Easter, spring, renewal, hope.  I find it a lovely way to say #takeTHATms!   In order to do that best this year, opted for bunny ears and a trip to Descanso Gardens to see spring in full color.

The bunny ears are keeping me focused during this busy time.  Seems like there is so much going on!  Life is at it's fullest and the days are getting longer.  Being silly helps me to stay positive.

I've been needing a new ID bracelet showing that I have MS.  Saw these bracelets from MyID the other day and was like, man, I've got to get me one of those!

They're really cool looking, and look basically indestructible.   I'm excited to get mine in the mail.  But it was difficult to decide which color and design to get.  Many cool options.

I spoke with MyID and they are giving one winner a bracelet of their choice as a way to say #takeTHATms.

 Enter here for a random drawing to win a free MyID medical bracelet.  

There are two basic designs, the MyID Hive and the MyID Sport.  And then there are additions you can make, customization.  Color, sliders, information.  Sliders are these little metal ID tabs that slide onto the bracelet.  Especially important if you suffer from more than one illness, which many of us do.

And all you have to do is enter your name and email at their website here.

Your emails will only be used for the random drawing, then they will be destroyed.  You are not entering any mailing list nor will you receive anything from us.   

Winner will be drawn APRIL 17! 

Thank you MyID for donating one bracelet for our contest.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Caroline. I selfishly hope I win. I sure do need this bracelet. Thanks so much for bringing this company to my attention!!!
