My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self-Care Challenge: Make it Positive!

Time to "Make a Change - Make a Difference"!

Challenge #12

Turn a negative into a POSITIVE!

For one day or five days or everyday, start turning your negatives into a POSITIVE!

This can be one of the toughest challenges yet, but I know you are ready for it.

  1. Wellness begins in the heart and with a positive attitude.  
  2. We often dwell on the negative, forcing ourselves away from the beauty of what might really be happening.  
  3. Problem is we have our own expectations and agendas which may not flow well with others.  
  4. Remember to let go, let God...
  5. Know your limits and controls, learn the serenity prayer.        
  6. Many times, a negative situation will be something you look back on and laugh.  
  7. Remind yourself that energy is limited and best spent on positive living.  
  8. Staple it shut, throw it away, and smile as big as you can!   
  9. You've got this!  

Take action toward wellness with the Health Storylines App by recording your feelings in the MyJournal.

While often associated with AA, this prayer is one that every person should learn and abide by.  Our lives are better because of it: 

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

Time to Bloom!

"I am worthy of a healthy life"

1.     Carefully and with intention be aware of negative energy and turn it into a positive. 

2.     When positive becomes habit, living with MS will be better.  

3.     Make a change and help yourself to a healthier life. 

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

We waited months for schedules to mesh so we could pet an owl, but the owl had to go to school!  So we got photobombed anyway.  #takeTHATms! 

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  


Instagram – Facebook – Twitter

Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Smile at the World!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS, Self-Care Catalysts and Health Storylines

Erasing MS the Nancy Davis Way!

The Race to Erase GALA 2018 is here!   This Friday, April 20 at there Beverly Hilton Hotel.  And there are still ways to get involved and help this magnificent cause.

I sat down with Nancy Davis for my radio show, and we chatted about MS, Gala, and the Forum coming up.  It's my favorite forum ever and psyched to go see everyone this Saturday.

Here are my memories from last year attending the Gala 2017.  Very empowering to see everyone stepping up to help find us a cure!

Belle of the Ball

                 at least for one night.
MS Advocates: @Longhaulpaul & @thegirlwithMS
And boy was it worth it!

In just two weeks, Gala ticket in hand, it became game on for this girl with MS.  Complete with orange carpet, the 24th Annual Race to Erase Gala is an event not to be missed.  From Hollywood movie stars to MS Celebrities, the Beverly Hilton was packed with folks wanting to make a difference.  And make a difference they did!

MS Advocates: Caroline Craven & David Osmond
A variety of celebrities attended the Gala, including Marg Helgenberger, emcee Kathy Griffin, Medal of Honor awardee Jamie Lynn Sigler, David Osmond (living with MS), Kris Jenner, Paris Hilton and so many more wonderful supporters of the race.

The actual money raised for Nancy Davis' Center without Walls MS Research is not yet known, but one car went for $290,000 at the silent auction.  Wowza!

My escorts were amazing. As the MS took hold of my legs and made me weeble and wobble, out of the blue came an arm and a voice, "Here, walk with me."  Whew!  I thought for sure I'd topple over at any moment.  And who was this voice?  None other than MS advocate Paul Pelland, aka @longhaulpaul.  Well this was convenient.  Two MS advocates walking the orange carpet.  Woot woot!  Yes, we are in La La Land.

And then walks down David Osmond, who I got to meet on the phone during an interview a few months ago.  But we had not met in person. Finally!  And well worth the wait.  David who lives with MS does so much to help build awareness.

When Chicago is playing for a private party at the Beverly Hilton a good time can be expected.  Add the bonus of Quincy Jones, David Foster and Siedah Garrett.  It was the tops!

Not only does this Race to Erase MS raise awareness for MS but it raises a significant amount of funds for MS research. On Saturday, the day after the Gala, there is an MS Forum which has become one of my favorite events. Ever.

The MS community is family.  The hope and inspiration found at the MS Forum is contagious and is greatly appreciated by this MS patient.

A lot of great information was shared by the MS Forum.

The panel included medical specialists:  Peter Calabresi, M.D., Adam Kaplin, M.D., Ph.D, David Hafler, M.D., Daniel Pelletier, M.D., Nancy L. Sicotte, M.D., Emmanuelle L. Waubant, M.D., Ph.D., Howard Weiner, M.D., Vijayshree Yadav, M.D.

Those living with MS on the panel included Nancy Davis, David Osmond and Arnetta Hollis.

Claudia Hurry Hill, living with MS for over 32 years, was the moderator.  More on the forum to come.

The Gala was quite amazing. And prepping for it was even more entertaining. After arriving at the Beverly Hilton we ventured over to Neiman Marcus for their amazing popover, consommé and glass of rose before moving on to the Chanel counter to replace some make up. Natasha from Chanel worked her magic and provided my face with a much needed professional touch as well as replenished some product for later use.

In prepping for the Gala, much fun came from the dress shopping and the hunt for accessories.  Just the right look was of importance.  Orange is the color of MS but it's not necessarily the best color for me.  Also, when one is searching the internet for gowns and evening wear, there are a lot of choices.  Especially when one starts looking at designer and/or vintage gowns. But where was that one dress that would work the best?

Several friends and family in the industry suggested looking at Rent the Runway.  After a simple search, several orange gowns were found. And while my body is usually quite easy to fit, the thought of not being able to try it on was a concern.  So a dress that fit easy and was soft and fluid would be perfect.  And a dress in a softer shade of orange would be even better.  It did not take long for RTR to produce the perfect dress. Easy to wear, and comfortable!  Thank you RTR and Solani dresses for this optimum look.

Once the dress was chosen, time for the accessories.  OK, if the budget matched the choices, I could have spent $1000's of dollars getting ready for this gala.  Tinsel town was on my mind. But instead went for a slight bohemian feel, allowing for fun, costume jewelry.

A friend and I hit the stores. She's also my stylist and I highly recommend her.  Contact me and I'll connect you two.  We hit almost every TJ Maxx, Ross, Zara and H&M within a ten mile radius and found everything we needed and wanted.  We even found back-up options and a back up dress incase they are needed.  Whew.  This is coming together quickly and easily.

The Gala was extraordinaire!  Of course staying at the Beverly Hilton is a treat in itself.  Love this place.

After a lovely day, and an even lovelier evening of food, drink and good cheer, this Girl with MS is inspired and energized.  

I can not thank Nancy Davis enough for all she does to help everyone with MS.  The research provided by her fundraising is invaluable to our wellbeing.  


Win a FREE medical bracelet!

It's April and what better way to kick off spring then to have a #takeTHATms contest.  

I Love this time of year - Easter, spring, renewal, hope.  I find it a lovely way to say #takeTHATms!   In order to do that best this year, opted for bunny ears and a trip to Descanso Gardens to see spring in full color.

The bunny ears are keeping me focused during this busy time.  Seems like there is so much going on!  Life is at it's fullest and the days are getting longer.  Being silly helps me to stay positive.

I've been needing a new ID bracelet showing that I have MS.  Saw these bracelets from MyID the other day and was like, man, I've got to get me one of those!

They're really cool looking, and look basically indestructible.   I'm excited to get mine in the mail.  But it was difficult to decide which color and design to get.  Many cool options.

I spoke with MyID and they are giving one winner a bracelet of their choice as a way to say #takeTHATms.

 Enter here for a random drawing to win a free MyID medical bracelet.  

There are two basic designs, the MyID Hive and the MyID Sport.  And then there are additions you can make, customization.  Color, sliders, information.  Sliders are these little metal ID tabs that slide onto the bracelet.  Especially important if you suffer from more than one illness, which many of us do.

And all you have to do is enter your name and email at their website here.

Your emails will only be used for the random drawing, then they will be destroyed.  You are not entering any mailing list nor will you receive anything from us.   

Winner will be drawn APRIL 17! 

Thank you MyID for donating one bracelet for our contest.  

Self-Care Challenge #11: Mind your P's and Q's

Time to "Make a Change - Make a Difference"!

Challenge #11

Help someone feel better -  MIND YOUR P's and Q's!

For five days choose to show good manners!

Respect others, respect yourself.  

Remind yourself that you are worthy of a healthy life.

Wellness begins in the heart. 

It feels good to be respectful and thoughtful.  To not take things for granted.  

 You did not do anything to deserve this illness.  But there is something you can do to change it.  You can take control.  You can practice "Self-Care".

Take action toward wellness with the Health Storylines App by recording your feelings in the MyJournal.

"I am worthy of a healthy life"

1.     Carefully and with intention be aware of saying Please and Thank You. 

2.     This helps show respect for others and for you.

3.     Make a change and help yourself to a healthier life. 

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

After taking good care of myself -
Out on an adventure!

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  


Instagram – Facebook – Twitter

Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Smile at the World!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS, Self-Care Catalysts and Health Storylines