My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self-Care Challenge #5: Thank a Friend

It's February!  

Now that we're venturing through winter, time to take special note of the gratitude in our lives.  So easy for us to neglect those closest to us.

Time to "Make a Change - Made a Difference"!


Challenge #


For five days "Thank a Friend" with a note, text, call, or hug.   

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Think of something that your friend brings to your life. That special thing that only your friend can do for you!   

Maybe this friend taught you about loyalty.  Or about kindness.  Maybe they always greet you with a smile.  Or possibly they challenge you to be a better person.  

Whatever the reason, pick up the phone.  Pick up a pen.  Make that reach and tell them what their friendship means to you.  
Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Life is unpredictable.  Nobody knows what will happen in the coming moments.  Take this moment to show your gratitude for your friend.  Who knows if either one of you will be around to do it tomorrow.   It's an uncertainty that adds stress to our lives.  

Take this moment now.  

1.     Carefully and with intention thank a friend. 

2.     Bring to conversation one thing special about them (if not more).  

3.     Appreciate the feeling as you share your gratitude with them.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

As you grow in your practice throughout these challenges, be mindful of your awareness and intentions.  You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude.  Your meals will become a healing event rather than a shoveling of food.  Even your ability to put off doing things will change, and amazing amounts of stress will be lifted.  

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


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Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Be Thankful!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

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