My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Living life to the Fullest with MS

There are days we are stuck in bed. Or a wheelchair or scooter or a cane. Some days we walk, run, bike and play. Sometimes gravity gets the better of us. Life with MS is not fun. But if we make it fun, then we can say #TakeThatMS!

Attitude is everything. Positive thought can make the difference. As well as learning how to chillax and accept that we have an illness and must take care of our lives as such.
  • Positive attitude. Can't say enough about this.
  • Awareness: meditation and mindfulness
  • Movement: yoga, exercise, tai chi, qigong etc
  • Nutrition: reduce inflammation and other symptoms through food
  • Social media: support groups, friends and family around the world who all understand what we are going through!
  • Peeing in ones pants: it's going to happen so just accept it now and move on.
  • Fatigue: oh dear. I just woke up and now it's bedtime again. How am I to to get through this day?
  • Depression, anxiety: talk to your DR. Use support groups, friends and family
  • Wine: may not be the best for MS physically but mentally can sure help the attitude
  • Learning to relax: it is OK to hold a couch in place with ones body
  • Boundaries: set them. Follow them. Your health comes first!
  • Ask for help: so many of us are Type A. Time to step back a notch.
  • Learn to say No: stressors come in all shapes and sizes. Priorities based on your health and well being are best.
  • Appreciate the little things in life. Stop and smell the roses.
  • Have fun! Pick up new hobbies. Look at life all over again with fresh eyes. Don't wallow in the past.
Here I am fishing once again. Fly fishing is very good on the nerves and when it includes friends, a twenty minute drive and funky Los Angeles surrounds, well, it all makes for a rocking good time! Now granted, I overdid a bit this past week and am feeling it today. It's Saturday and as I planned it, a pretty mellow day.
I'm feeling like the Giant American invasion on my little Philippine friends!

Last night I had a friends party and then a two hour Aromatherapy Yin Yoga workshop at my favorite little yoga studio in Montrose: TheraYogaStudio
Today: a relaxing Saturday with Wall Street Journal, and plenty of lemon-water throughout the day to cleanse this body!

How are you living life to the fullest with MS?

It's all a balancing act. Do more and pay the price. Treat your body right, get a refund on energy.
Right now, I'm treating the body right and restoring and rejuvenating for the week!

Self-Care Challenge #8: Love YOU!

Time to "Make a Change - Make a Difference"!

Challenge #8


For five days choose to tell yourself that you are loved.  
Remind yourself that you are worthy of a healthy life.

Wellness begins in the heart. 

Love yourself and begin the healing process.  You did not do anything to deserve this illness.  But there is something you can do to change it.  You can take control.  You can practice "Self-Care".  

Take action toward wellness with the Health Storylines App by recording your feelings in the MyJournal.

"I am worthy of a healthy life"

1.     Carefully and with intention watch how often you are smiling. 

2.     Are you sharing your smile with your friends? Your neighbors?  The world? 

3.     Make a change and smile at the world!

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

Stella the Cat reminding me that I am worthy of a healthy life and to do what I can!

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  


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Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Smile at the World!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS, Self-Care Catalysts and Health Storylines

Are you ready to make a difference in MS research?

Empower Others with your Blood 

There is one thing certain with my Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and that is to help as many people as possible learn to live better despite their illness.  This includes helping the medical industry find answers.   Helping others provides a purpose in life and allows me to say #takeTHATms!

One company looking for answers is DxTerity, which is developing genomic tests to help people with MS better manage immune-mediated diseases.   They are currently recruiting people with multiple sclerosis for a unique research study called EMPOWERStudyMS. 

EMPOWERStudyMS is collecting blood samples from MS patients across the U.S. to help identify biomarkers and other gene expressions among patients; what is termed genomic testing. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with MS you can join this groundbreaking research to help researchers develop an at-home blood test to monitor MS disease activity.

Click here to learn how you can participate.   I did.

Participating in the study is easy and can be done from the convenience of your own home.  You won’t have to visit a clinic at all!  Answer a few health surveys online and collect a few drops of blood with a simple, fingerstick collection kit.  Drop the kit in the mail and you’re done. 

Well, my EMPOWERStudyMS kit came and I did it!


Caroline Craven @thegirlwithMS opens her kit and explores the contents for her EmpowerStudyMS kit.

Compared to all of those daily injections I used to take for my MS, the finger prick was a cakewalk. 

I pricked my finger, collected blood and sent off my sample.   Easy peasy for the most part. 

My problem was that my blood did not cooperate as best it could.   The instructions were clear but fear my cognitive fog kicked in a bit and caused some problems.  My fingers did not warm up properly and the blood barely trickled out to be collected.  The second lancet was good to have but I should have waited till my hands were warmer.  I am not sure enough blood got collected but we will find out.  The folks at EMPOWERStudyMS were very nice and are sending me another kit so we can confirm a better collection. 

I greatly appreciated the human connection for all of my questions and answers.  This is a research study, and we are “just a number” but you would never know that by the kind of service being provided.  Feeling quite special to be a part of this important event! 

During the intro video I got the blue lancet mixed up with the blue collector container.  But got it straightened out when it came to it.   
One of my mantras this year is to be part of the solution, not the problem.  I am now part of the solution.   You can be too! 

For more information about the study and to see if you qualify, please visit:


Self-Care Challenge #7: Smile More

Time to "Make a Change - Make a Difference"!

Challenge #7


For five days choose to smile more and spread the joy.

Smiles are contagious and help folks feel better. 

Then record your feeling in the MyJournal section of the Health Storylines App.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Sometimes we find our minds wandering down roads unwanted.  
Be aware and make a change!

1.     Carefully and with intention watch how often you are smiling. 

2.     Are you sharing your smile with your friends? Your neighbors?  The world? 

3.     Make a change and smile at the world!

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


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Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Smile at the World!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS, Self-Care Catalysts and Health Storylines

Self-Care Challenge #6: Be Positive

Time to "Make a Change - Make a Difference"!

Challenge #


For five days be aware of your mind wandering.  
Watch out for those negative thoughts coming into play.  
Turn it positive!   

Then record your feeling in the MyJournal section of the Health Storylines App.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Sometimes we find our minds wandering down roads unwanted.  
Be aware and make a change!

1.     Carefully and with intention watch your thoughts. 

2.     Are they helpful and positive?  or negative?  

3.     Make a change and be positive.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


Instagram – Facebook – Twitter

Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Be Positive!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS, Self-Care Catalysts and Health Storylines

Self-Care Challenge #5: Thank a Friend

It's February!  

Now that we're venturing through winter, time to take special note of the gratitude in our lives.  So easy for us to neglect those closest to us.

Time to "Make a Change - Made a Difference"!


Challenge #


For five days "Thank a Friend" with a note, text, call, or hug.   

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Think of something that your friend brings to your life. That special thing that only your friend can do for you!   

Maybe this friend taught you about loyalty.  Or about kindness.  Maybe they always greet you with a smile.  Or possibly they challenge you to be a better person.  

Whatever the reason, pick up the phone.  Pick up a pen.  Make that reach and tell them what their friendship means to you.  
Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Life is unpredictable.  Nobody knows what will happen in the coming moments.  Take this moment to show your gratitude for your friend.  Who knows if either one of you will be around to do it tomorrow.   It's an uncertainty that adds stress to our lives.  

Take this moment now.  

1.     Carefully and with intention thank a friend. 

2.     Bring to conversation one thing special about them (if not more).  

3.     Appreciate the feeling as you share your gratitude with them.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #selfcareMVMT

As you grow in your practice throughout these challenges, be mindful of your awareness and intentions.  You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude.  Your meals will become a healing event rather than a shoveling of food.  Even your ability to put off doing things will change, and amazing amounts of stress will be lifted.  

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


Instagram – Facebook – Twitter

Because together we’ve got this!

#challenge #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


Be Thankful!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines