My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self Care Challenge #3: Slow Down & Smell the Roses

Self Care Begins with Me.

Join us for self care challenge 3! 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

For FIVE days straight, take five minutes and slow down. Seriously. Just stop what you are doing and smell a flower. Or watch a cloud float pass.  Or maybe a bird flying by.  

The point is to slow down and appreciate. Take the time to love the beauty around you.  Take the time to take care of you. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Learn more at 

As we slowdown and appreciate our attention and intentions become healthier. We become healthier. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Just a variety of flowers and trees that I stopped to appreciate yesterday. 

Trust me. This little tip will grow inside you and become a big part of your life. 

If you find yourself stressed use this little tool to help ease you through your struggles.   

Remember to jot your thoughts down in your MyHealthStorylines under the my Journal section. 

Here’s to slowing down and saying #takeTHATms! 

#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

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