My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self-Care Challenge #2: Eating with Intention



For five days bring awareness and positive intention to your midday meal.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Bring the intention you developed in the morning challenge to your afternoon routine.  In addition to your morning intention, set some time aside to create a more substantial life during lunch.  And I mean life-changing substance, not some fly by night quick fix. 

Sure, it will seem medial.  Trite.  But start this habit and watch what happens. 

Eating meal:  Sit in a quiet place.  Be mindful of your surroundings.  Do not have distractions.  No computer, device, television.  Not even the newspaper.  Put your full attention into the meal and nourishment that you are placing in your body. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Look at each piece of food.  Admire the colors and aromas.  Chew each bite with positive intention and gratitude toward life.  Be careful not to gulp your food.  Appreciate what time you do have to consumer.  Place your fork down and take a deep breath.  Enjoy the process of eating and the nourishment that is coming into your body.  

1.     Carefully and with intention eat the meal. 

2.     What will this nourishment bring to your body, mind and soul?

3.     Appreciate the moment.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #challenge #dowhatyoucan #takeTHATms #selfcareMVMT

As you grow in your practice be mindful of your awareness and intentions.  You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude.  Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


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Because together we’ve got this!

#EMPOWERStudyMS #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


 And it doesn't matter what you're eating.  It could be some vegan cucumber hummus toast in California with homemade potato chips or fried calamari and a beer in Nova Scotia.

The point is all about intentions and awareness.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

1 comment:

  1. In 2014 I started experiencing lack of muscle control when performing strenuous exercise, within months I had tremors and terrible mood swings. After bouts with many neurologists I was diagnosed of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, I was placed on medications which relieved some symptoms but my health was fast declining. Finally, I was introduced to Mayaka Natural Clinic and their effective Multiple Sclerosis treatment. I immediately started on the treatment, it relieved symptoms significantly, even better than the medications I was given. Visit ww w. mayakanaturalclinic. c om. First month on treatment, my tremors mysterious stopped, had improvement walking. After I completed the treatment, all symptoms were gone. I live a more productive life.
