My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self-Care Challenge #1: Mornings with Intention

It’s time for 2018 Self Care Challenge!

brought to you by @theGirlwithMS, Caroline Craven, and Health Storylines

I am excited to share with you that I have been selected to be
a Self Care Ambassador!  As part of this role, I’ll be helping to create a
community where individuals encourage and empower each
other to take good care of themselves.

To join and track your progress, simply download the Health
Storylines app or go to and make an
account for free.  

Click here for a video on how to use the app.  

Thank you for joining me in learning about how we can take control of our lives and health with Self Care!

Caroline Craven 

“Make a Change – Make a Difference”

For the next few months we are going to focus on making some small changes in our lives that can lead to significant differences.  Individual results will vary depending upon what we put into each challenge.  Also telling will be how we are willing to grow during this process.  Think baby steps and do not have grandiose expectations.  In fact, do not have any expectation.  Stay in the present moment and keep you mind open to whatever these practices may bring to you.   Then record your experiences in the Health Storylines app and share on social media! 

CHALLENGE #1:    Morning Intention

For five days straight:  Drink 1 glass of cool water first thing in morning with intention.

Before consuming any coffee or other caffeine or sugar, grab a cool or room temperature glass of filtered water (not ice water).  Drink it slowly and with intention.  Use this time to focus your mind and energy in a positive way.  Be quiet with yourself during this time, no television/devices or other distractions. 

While sipping this refreshing water, use these tips to direct your thoughts then record your answers in the journal of the Health Storylines app: 

1.  Assess your body and mind.  How do you feel?  How is the MS affecting you?  On  scale of 1-10, with 10 being awesome, record this feeling in the Journal section. 

2.  What kind of day do you want to have?  Productive/relaxed/social/healing?  Visualize the day you want to have.  If it helps you, think of a movie or television character to help put you in the role.  

3.  Bring to mind positive thoughts.  Say one thing nice to yourself. such as, "I am worthy of a happy and healthy lifestyle."   Using the Health Storylines App,  under the My Journal tool, write this blessing down.  Then, repeat it to yourself through out the day. 

This practice begins a new level of awareness between body, mind and soul.  While it may seem very medial, give it a chance.  Give yourself a chance! 


At the beginning and end of the day, how are you feeling?    Record this feeling in the My Journal tool in the app:   

Once you click on the My Journal tool you have several options.  For this challenge choose "Reflection on my condition today" and record your experience.

SHARE social media:
Help others learn about MS by sharing your challenge!

Instagram – Facebook – Twitter

Because together we’ve got this!

#morningintention #ad #takethatms #selfcaremvmt

END Challenge #1

#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines


  1. That's great to hear, Jo! It's the little things that get us on the right path...


  2. Hi Margaret, so glad you found something that worked for you!

    #taekTHATms #dowhatyoucan #selfcareMVMT

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