My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Self-Care Challenge #4: Do One Thing

Here we are folks, on week four of our 2018 Self Care Challenge!  

Wow.  Can't believe it.  

Our last week for "Make a Change - Made a Difference" might be harder than you think...  Try it and let me know!  



For five days "Do One Thing" that you have put off doing.   

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Procrastination causes more stress than people imagine.  Stress causes disruptions in many parts of life including digestion and your gut health leading to illness.  And it can exacerbate MS to no end.

To do just one thing that you have been putting off can make a HUGE difference in your life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

We are not talking big tasks, we are talking small, pithy little things that have been on your "to-do" list and have escaped accomplishment.  These little things might be to write a thank you note to an old friend, to mend a sweater, to start a project.  These are "back-burner" items that have been simmering away for months if not years.  

Now is the time to do one!   Even if you do not finish it in one day, that's fine.  Just pick up the project, start a new one, finish an old one.  Do that one nagging thing that keeps your hamsters busy at 2AM when the rest of the world sleeps.    

1.     Carefully and with intention find one task to accomplish. 

2.     No excuses.  Just start it.  

3.     Appreciate the feeling as you accomplish this item.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #EMPOWERStudyMS #challenge #dowhatyoucan #takeTHATms #selfcareMVMT

As you grow in your practice throughout these challenges, be mindful of your awareness and intentions.  You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude.  Your meals will become a healing event rather than a shoveling of food.  Even your ability to put off doing things will change, and amazing amounts of stress will be lifted.  

Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.  

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


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Because together we’ve got this!

#EMPOWERStudyMS #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


And the size of task does not matter!  I've always wanted to go to the Long Beach Aquarium.  After finishing some tasks, treated myself to a visit.  

I went, kissed a frog, and found my prince!    

You just never know what might happens when you get it done!

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

Self Care Challenge #3: Slow Down & Smell the Roses

Self Care Begins with Me.

Join us for self care challenge 3! 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

For FIVE days straight, take five minutes and slow down. Seriously. Just stop what you are doing and smell a flower. Or watch a cloud float pass.  Or maybe a bird flying by.  

The point is to slow down and appreciate. Take the time to love the beauty around you.  Take the time to take care of you. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Learn more at 

As we slowdown and appreciate our attention and intentions become healthier. We become healthier. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Just a variety of flowers and trees that I stopped to appreciate yesterday. 

Trust me. This little tip will grow inside you and become a big part of your life. 

If you find yourself stressed use this little tool to help ease you through your struggles.   

Remember to jot your thoughts down in your MyHealthStorylines under the my Journal section. 

Here’s to slowing down and saying #takeTHATms! 

#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

Self-Care Challenge #2: Eating with Intention



For five days bring awareness and positive intention to your midday meal.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Bring the intention you developed in the morning challenge to your afternoon routine.  In addition to your morning intention, set some time aside to create a more substantial life during lunch.  And I mean life-changing substance, not some fly by night quick fix. 

Sure, it will seem medial.  Trite.  But start this habit and watch what happens. 

Eating meal:  Sit in a quiet place.  Be mindful of your surroundings.  Do not have distractions.  No computer, device, television.  Not even the newspaper.  Put your full attention into the meal and nourishment that you are placing in your body. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.

Look at each piece of food.  Admire the colors and aromas.  Chew each bite with positive intention and gratitude toward life.  Be careful not to gulp your food.  Appreciate what time you do have to consumer.  Place your fork down and take a deep breath.  Enjoy the process of eating and the nourishment that is coming into your body.  

1.     Carefully and with intention eat the meal. 

2.     What will this nourishment bring to your body, mind and soul?

3.     Appreciate the moment.

4.     Record feelings in My Journal

5.     Share the moment:  #challenge #dowhatyoucan #takeTHATms #selfcareMVMT

As you grow in your practice be mindful of your awareness and intentions.  You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude.  Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life. 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


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Because together we’ve got this!

#EMPOWERStudyMS #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms 


 And it doesn't matter what you're eating.  It could be some vegan cucumber hummus toast in California with homemade potato chips or fried calamari and a beer in Nova Scotia.

The point is all about intentions and awareness.

Register at the Health Storylines App,  
use the My Journal tool.


#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines

Self-Care Challenge #1: Mornings with Intention

It’s time for 2018 Self Care Challenge!

brought to you by @theGirlwithMS, Caroline Craven, and Health Storylines

I am excited to share with you that I have been selected to be
a Self Care Ambassador!  As part of this role, I’ll be helping to create a
community where individuals encourage and empower each
other to take good care of themselves.

To join and track your progress, simply download the Health
Storylines app or go to and make an
account for free.  

Click here for a video on how to use the app.  

Thank you for joining me in learning about how we can take control of our lives and health with Self Care!

Caroline Craven 

“Make a Change – Make a Difference”

For the next few months we are going to focus on making some small changes in our lives that can lead to significant differences.  Individual results will vary depending upon what we put into each challenge.  Also telling will be how we are willing to grow during this process.  Think baby steps and do not have grandiose expectations.  In fact, do not have any expectation.  Stay in the present moment and keep you mind open to whatever these practices may bring to you.   Then record your experiences in the Health Storylines app and share on social media! 

CHALLENGE #1:    Morning Intention

For five days straight:  Drink 1 glass of cool water first thing in morning with intention.

Before consuming any coffee or other caffeine or sugar, grab a cool or room temperature glass of filtered water (not ice water).  Drink it slowly and with intention.  Use this time to focus your mind and energy in a positive way.  Be quiet with yourself during this time, no television/devices or other distractions. 

While sipping this refreshing water, use these tips to direct your thoughts then record your answers in the journal of the Health Storylines app: 

1.  Assess your body and mind.  How do you feel?  How is the MS affecting you?  On  scale of 1-10, with 10 being awesome, record this feeling in the Journal section. 

2.  What kind of day do you want to have?  Productive/relaxed/social/healing?  Visualize the day you want to have.  If it helps you, think of a movie or television character to help put you in the role.  

3.  Bring to mind positive thoughts.  Say one thing nice to yourself. such as, "I am worthy of a happy and healthy lifestyle."   Using the Health Storylines App,  under the My Journal tool, write this blessing down.  Then, repeat it to yourself through out the day. 

This practice begins a new level of awareness between body, mind and soul.  While it may seem very medial, give it a chance.  Give yourself a chance! 


At the beginning and end of the day, how are you feeling?    Record this feeling in the My Journal tool in the app:   

Once you click on the My Journal tool you have several options.  For this challenge choose "Reflection on my condition today" and record your experience.

SHARE social media:
Help others learn about MS by sharing your challenge!

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Because together we’ve got this!

#morningintention #ad #takethatms #selfcaremvmt

END Challenge #1

#empowerstudyms  #spon. #slowdown#selfcareMVMT 

Register at the Health Storylines App,  

use the My Journal tool.


brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines