My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Living the Weekend Dream

Nothing like saying #takethatms by having an awesome weekend! 

Flyfishing. Flowers. Garden. Walk. Cooking in my new kitchen. Yep. Some of my favorite things. 

After fly fishing the LA River and enjoying the farmers market we made fresh clams in a pot of garlic, butter and white wine.  Delicious! 

First went to farmers market love our local agriculture. Here's a just a small sampling of our goods:  

Then perused the garden and reaped the bounty:  

The rain this year has brought beautiful roses.



Butter. Garlic. White wine. Green onions. Steam and serve. Delicious!  Local asparagus doesn't hurt either. 

Then we found this monarch caterpillar on the milkweed.  



Trick:  save left over asparagus stems/tips in freezer. over course of springtime you will have enough to peel, cook and purreeinto a lovely soup!  


And don't forget to juice with will your fresh veggies!  My newest juice recipe: 


Delicious and healthy! 


Want more inspiration?  Let's chat! 


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