My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Tips for Thriving with MS - #TakethatMS

Ever get angry with your MS?   Life can really suck at times.   Sometimes rolling along is so easy and then other times, wham, it slams you to the floor and getting out of bed can be the accomplishment of the year.    Anger begets stress begets exacerbations.   Throughout the past fifteen years of living with multiple sclerosis there have been many lessons learned.

From anger management to reducing stress and friction in life, my goal is to share as many of these tips with you as possible.  And maybe not for too many years because stopping MS may happen in our lifetime.  So many advancements have been made these past six years it's amazing.

In the meantime, while we wait for more and better treatments here are some natural ways to handle life with MS:

:Anger Management:

:Reduce Stress:  

:Life Coaching Webinars - FREE

Get started with some basics:  Let yourself be Safe, Happy, Healthy and at Peace this year.

:Life Skills: 

Webisode 5:  Asking the people around me for help and offering help as a care partner.

If you are facing depression which is common with MS patients, please seek the help of your doctor or other medical professional.  Depression is very serious and should not be taken lightly.  MS can really mess with our emotions.

These tips and tricks are designed to help us all live a little better with multiple sclerosis.

What tips and tools do you like to use to manage your life with MS?


1 comment:

  1. I am scared of MS. People having this disease face muscle stiffness, blurred vision and even combat impotence. So I think, they immediately should take multiple sclerosis treatment for improving health.
