My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Love and Multiple Sclerosis - finding peace

Camelia Peace Heart Descanso Gardens

Love and MS

My most recent article about living with MS, "Loving Yourself Can Help You Battle MS". Found here at

I'm in love with writing these days.  It is so interesting how life takes us down turns and roads and rabbit trails.  That is how writing became a part of my life. Writing is a cathartic release for so many people with chronic illness and MS.  Even if one doesn't want to do it professionally, the use of blogs and journals can help alleviate a lot of stress as well as offer guidance for others.

Garden Visitor
In saying goodbye to February, I find myself reminiscing about activities and accomplishments.  It seems that with MS the ability to spend half o f our lives on the couch can be overwhelming and suffocating.  It's good to look back and realize, hey, I actually did some pretty good stuff this month. And you know what - that feels awesome!


Anemones Descanso Gardens 
  •  Ate healthy
  •  Saw several friends and greatly enjoyed our time together
  • Spent time with Family
  •  Went to several social outings
  • Yoga practice continuing strong
  • Getting things done - Even though my desk looks like this:   Work is not bottlenecking much in my area.  Making calls, filling, taxes, all of it.  Touch it once and get her done.  
  • Wrote several new articles on MS and had them published.
  • Wrote a new budget.  Doing some serious savings and wanted to make some adjustments.  You may now how this feels. It takes some major priority setting.  
  • Medical - making appointments,, even the annoying poking and prodding ones. 
  • Wrote letters.  Sent notecards to friends.  Smiled while doing it.  Enjoyed the process.  
  • Spent time in the garden.  Both mine and Descanso Gardens.  
  • AND Helped out at a children's fly fishing clinic at the Pasadena Casting Club.  Absolutely loved it.  
  • Showered myself with love using positive words and feeling despite the fact I was a gloomy guss all month.  
Pasadena Casting Club Children's Clinic

All in all, made some good memories and am quite grateful.  Of course with MS, these memories may fade very quickly, but at least they are here today to enjoy.

What are some of your memories?

hiking behind my house #lcftrails