My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

My MS journey in a nutshell

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) hit me out of the blue and slammed me down hard.  It tried to take my life. That was 15 years ago and it has been quite a journey to wellness. Tragedy creates a deeper relationship within ones self, stripping one down to a raw, childlike state of survival.   My focus shifted to the bare basics of survival making each day an accomplishment.  Life wasn’t going the way I planned:  It was time to stop the whining, put up my dukes and find a way to figure it out. 

Changing my way of life was the only way to go:  Time to slowdown, to become the tortoise and not the hare.  Time for some finesse.  Time to be kind. Always one to enjoy life and look at the rosy side, it is imperative to be true to yourself.   Forgiveness?  Blame?  Grief?   So many emotions to discover and explore.  Some fun, some not.  Sit down, hold on, and take this ride for all it’s got to give.  Life with MS is ever changing and not predictable in the least. With a shift in attitude and new tools, life can be better with MS.   Follow me @thegirlwithms or find me at #takethatMS. 

This photo captures and says so much:  the hidden figures, the potential of life, the colors and reflections of the trees and life surrounding.   
#trout #whitewater #california #takethatms

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your MS journey. I'm only newly diagnosed, and it's good too meet other MSers too (I'm in Australia). Thanks for your blog - I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Mal :)
