My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Potential Natural Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Do your research. Lots of treatments out there. Here is Some good, substantiated research on these items.  Check them out.  Tips and Tricks for Living Better with MS!


Vitamin D
Long touted as help for MS, this easy to take vitamin is proven again and again that it scientifically helps those with MS.  Recently studies showed that mothers who are deficient in vitamin D during their pregnancy were more likely to give birth to a child with MS.

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May sound a little whacky but magnetic therapy is gaining ground in helping folks with MS using solid scientific studies.  Devices such as the Bemer, might just help you feel a little better.

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Oxidative stress is known to be really hard on multiple sclerosis.  Basically it means that they fight free radicals in an effective way to be maximized by the body.   It is something we can actually work on improving.  Using an Nrf2 activator, such as Protandim, may help with some of your MS symptoms.


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Protandim is made from natural ingredients, plants and such.  Includes bacopa monnieri and turmeric.

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curcumin from turmeric

Natural forms of Nrf2 activators proven to work include curcumin, from turmeric, as well as green tea.

Interestingly, the DMD, Tecfidera (a dimethyl fumarate drug) is based on the same activation within the body. 

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Keep Checking Back - More Tips to Come!


(*This is not a medical site nor am I a medical professional -- These are items that have either worked for me or look promising based on research.*)

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015, and I was a woman of 50. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2017 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none so far on Copaxone. I do notice my balance was getting worse, and my memory, as well as erectile dysfunction and spasms’ had no choice to sick for other solution and I was introduce to multivitamincare .org which I purchase the MS herbal formula from the foundation, the herbal supplement has effectively get rid of my multiple sclerosis and reversed all symptoms. 
