My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Life Coach Sessions - Living Better - #TakeThatMS

A Plan for Living Better with MS

Set the tone.  Define the coming year.  

May I be happy
May I be safe
May I be healthy
May I be at peace

This quote from CALM meditation app really struck a chord with me.   It’s my mantra right now and boy do I need it.  Feeling tipsy in life.  Didn’t realize how tight I was wound.  I am wound.   Too much caffeine and drinking.   Too much bad/rich foods.  So many warning signs to slow down.  So finally, I am.  It was my last hoorah for a while, end of 2016, end of my 40’s, time for a new leaf. 

And boy am I liking the way this leaf is looking.  Once again, inspired and visualizing a lovely life as a writer and blogger.  No more marketing. Slowing down on community events and organizations.  Slowing down and focusing:  MS patient expert, writer, blogger, DAR regent and Trails advocate.  Daughter and Aunt.  Friend.  Kind and compassionate.  Time to watch my tension and anger.  Been really short lately. 

The meditation app, Calm, has helped tremendously.   May I be happy.  May I be safe. May I be healthy.  May I be at peace.   Breathing deep as the mantra repeats in my mind…  #wevegotthis 

Join me every Thursday at 12:30pm for our free online support group:  #TakeThatMS and let's work together to find the best way to live better with multiple sclerosis.  

Each week I review some ideas, tips and tricks for living better with MS.  There's often homework and soon the worksheets will be posted on this website.  

Then we open it up for discussion if you wish to join us.  It's all optional, easy and free.   

I remember when diagnosed how I knew nothing about MS.  And this was 15 years ago so there was nothing online and 1 or 2 books out on the subject.   

Well, it's a different world these days.  Incredible research on MS, how it works, what might help it and more.  We are learning a lot, applying it to life, and living better because of it.  

Click here to join us on Thursdays, 12:30pm PST.  


Join us weekly and create a plan for a better year and a better you.   Can't join us?  Check out the recorded sessions of our weekly #TakeThatMS online support group for folks affected by multiple sclerosis (MS).  

Are you allowing yourself to be happy?  to be safe?  to be healthy and at peace?  

Together we've got this.


We start with a vision statement and inspiration board, we create a plan to be safe.  Together we work on being healthy and at peace.  Then in the following months we will work on these while expanding in other areas.  


Be Happy    
Click Here for Full Session

Click Here for Full Session

UPCOMING SESSIONS (click on link to join or check back for recording)

FEBRUARY - To be announced.  

#TakeThat MS

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