My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS


#TAKETHATMS is soon to be online, hosted by certified life coach, Caroline Craven.     

This new lifestyle support group will be held every week and is a video chat.  This means no writing, no typing, just login and engage!  

Join me on Thursdays, 12:30pm PST, every week at and let's learn some cool stuff to make our lives easier with MS. 

The first one - NOV 3 - will be about easing into the holidays and will focus on nutrition.  With all the stress of the holidays, the busy schedules and the tempting food everywhere, we all have challenges.  But then add MS into the fray and our issues double in size.  

Time to learn some tips and tricks to make our lives better!   

Join us! 

November 3
12:30pm PST

Topic:  Nutrition and MS - Tips for the Holidays

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