My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Time to implement the 5/20 aka “five-twenty” - my new plan to do some centering prior to the holidays.  So often folks make big, rash changes in their lives when maybe just a small adjustment will do the job.  

Summer is over and boy did I have a great one!  Lots of fun making memories.   Now that fall is here the rush of meetings, work, family and holidays is on the approach.  With this rush comes the desire to speed through life.  We start to breath too quickly and too shallow.  We eat in our cars and on the hoof as we walk around multitasking.   We lose our graceful intentions in life and it's these intentions that help ground us.

Each morning my 5/20 happens before anything else.  Or at least before I hop on the computer and start working.   

Here is my 5/20:   

Five minutes journaling
Ten minutes writing
Twenty minutes exercise

Taking time to breathe deep.  

Breathe deep.  


#TAKETHATMS is soon to be online, hosted by certified life coach, Caroline Craven.     

This new lifestyle support group will be held every week and is a video chat.  This means no writing, no typing, just login and engage!  

Join me on Thursdays, 12:30pm PST, every week at and let's learn some cool stuff to make our lives easier with MS. 

The first one - NOV 3 - will be about easing into the holidays and will focus on nutrition.  With all the stress of the holidays, the busy schedules and the tempting food everywhere, we all have challenges.  But then add MS into the fray and our issues double in size.  

Time to learn some tips and tricks to make our lives better!   

Join us! 

November 3
12:30pm PST

Topic:  Nutrition and MS - Tips for the Holidays

Fly Fishing the Texas Coast - when MS takes a break

Ever have one of those days that just makes you love your life just a bit more?   When the MS seems to almost disappear, like the calm before the storm.

Last week my very limited expectations were blown out the water, literally.

For months my trip to Texas had been scheduled:  fishing with my Uncle.  Fly rod in tow my flight was seamless.  Uncle and cousin ready to pick me up and on our way for some good eats.

After much catch up and a good night rest, my Uncle and I ventured down the road to Port O'Connor. While setting up the boat in comes the rain.  One never really knows on the Texas coast what the weather might be like but here was a hovering squall.   And then by the time we launched the boat not a rain drop in sight for three days.  And the winds were almost non existent.  Basically, the weather was perfect.

Hiding from the sun and wind

Not being from the coast, wade fishing is new to me.  Armed in waders (for the jellyfish and too keep from getting cold later), booties and lots of instructions, my feet do the stingray shuffle along the ocean floor, eyes peeled for anything catchable or anything dangerous.  One step on a stingray and a hospital trip is insight, not to mention a lot of pain.

After we both catch a few fish a change locations during the first two days we settle on one early the last morning that looked promising.  Uncle waded in one direction and me in another.   I cast my fly at what looks like a good size speckled trout, one that could provide us dinner.  The fish hit the fly and then all heck broke loose:  trout and mullet came at me, full speed, followed by a "V" shape.  And then that "V" shape lunged at the fish and made a sharp "U-Turn", flashing his gray shark-like skin at me in the morning sun.

Redfish on a fly - Port O'Connor, Texas
After a good shriek and realizing my Uncle was a far distance, I took a deep breath and repeated:   "Don't wimp out now - nothing one can do but keep casting and shuffle back toward the boat for mental comfort," over and over in my mind.

Lady Fish on a fly - Port O'Connor, Texas
All in all, my fly fishing was a beautiful experience.  One red fish was caught after hunting him down caught via sight-casting.  My first like that.  He was probably big enough to keep but I wasn't sure so let him go.  That's OK.  We had enough fish for dinner without him.

Spec Trout on a fly - Port O'Connor, Texas

Wade Fishing near Matagorda Island, Texas

It was a dream come true - fly fishing in the flats with my Uncle.  The fact we caught a variety of fish and returned unscathed was the icing.

Sometimes the MS can be more forgiving than others.  This was one of those experiences.  And I got a trip to Buccee's - a Texas tradition.

Unfortunately my MS sprang up horribly upon returning from Texas and spent two days with muddled mind and obnoxious spasticity.   Oh well.  This is the disease we live with.


Living with MS: In a Nutshell

Such a great memory from a couple of years ago.  Worthy of reposting!

The little things with MS add up quickly. Here are a few notes from my trip to Texas in a nutshell to remind myself that I can thrive with MS:
  • Weather - 70F is about the perfect weather for MS
  • Family - quality time necessary for healthy living
  • Friends - how do we live without them?
  • Relaxed schedules - going with the flow and learning to float...
  • Good eats - healthy, and not so healthy! Sometimes it's just about the taste.
  • Good drinks - from juicing to water to local brewery, No Label, fun to explore!
  • Activities: TV, film, photography, hiking, golfing and more. Got my Canon 400mm lens back from shop. Watch out birds!
Here I am trying to play golf after 20 years of not trying. Haha. Had a good coach. But boy was I sore the next day!

  • New movies/shows - started watching Heartland. The simple things in life...
  • Good conversation - in person and online. Being present.
  • Exploration: Lady Bird Johnson wildflower center. Love this place! Visual. Physical. Peaceful. Beautiful. - having an open mind and enjoying all there is in life!

Some photos I took along the way:
Cardinal at LBJ wildflower center
"Texas...where nature and culture meet"
"Healthy living with MS...where nature and culture meet"
Let's do this!