My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Painting to Survive - PC594

We all find a way to survive. But what if surviving means trespassing, painting murals on the freeways and
running from authority?

Living with excruciating pain, brushes strapped to her hands, one MS warrior paints to build awareness.  She paints.  And she paints.  Political statements.  World issues.  Stories of life through murals. She paints. And she survives.  Despite the hospitals, diagnoses, and a failing body, Lydia Emily continues to fight the multiple sclerosis that is ravaging her life.

Born into a family of social activists, LM was destined to make people look at things differently. While MS is not genetic, such traits as tenacity, passion, perseverance can come from one's parents and environment.

There is much to be learned by watching Lydia Emily in this new film about survival, ms and a whole lot of life.  With just a handful of days left for the Kickstarter campaign we are searching for the last $15,000 needed to launch this great project.

Click here to show your support today.  

Thank you Bluprint Films for bringing us such an inspiring project!


  1. Thanks for such an amazing introduction and story about Lydia Emily!

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  5. Five years ago, I went numb from the waist down. After quite a few MRI’s, spinal tap, I was diagonsed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was on Avenox for almost 2 years, i had 1 year of monthly steroids IV, had to stop due to hip pain. Through my physiotherapist i learnt about a MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS HERBAL TREATMENT from M.H.C. (Mayaka Herbal Clinic) and their success rate with the treatment, i immediately started on the MS treatment, i experienced decline in major symptoms including hand tremor, back pain, difficulty walking, muscle paralysis and weakness, uncomfortable tingling and burning, fatigue, urinary retention,double vision, slurred speech difficulty swallowing, numbness. Visit ww w. mayakaherbalclinic.c om. I knew that a positive attitude is everything and to just believe, I’m in control of my life again….

  6. Been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015, and I was a woman of 50. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2017 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none so far on Copaxone. I do notice my balance was getting worse, and my memory, i had no choice to sick for other solution and I was introduce to multivitamincare .org which I purchase the MS herbal formula from the org, the herbal supplement has successfully get rid of my multiple sclerosis and reversed all symptoms after using the herbs as the Dr said , this is almost a miracle and do believe multivitamincare .org herbal cure will be recognize globally because am sure the world are yet to see their wonderful work ,call them (or SMS): +1 (956) 758-7882 to learn more about the new herbal cure for MS.

  7. My Dad was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 4yeras ago. The only treatment he received after diagnosis was oxygen. He was supposed to have been prescribed immunosuppressive but never got the prescription from the doctor. During the 2020 pandemic I came across a herbal clinic on YouTube which caught my attention .I purchased the herbal products and he used them for almost 5 month as they instructed. To my greatest surprise the herbal formula has successfully gotten rid of his MS condition .They promised us total cure but we did not believe it because all my life we were told there is no cure for MS . He's living proof that there is a cure for MS. Many people are still suffering due to lack of information about this disease ,contact : www. multivitamincare. org for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatment.
