My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Taking Action on MS


I'm feeling very grateful and fortunate to have spent the last year touring the country learning how people "Take action on MS".  

As a certified life coach, I joined two other lifestyle experts, along with Madeline Stowe, and traveled the country to talk about living with multiple sclerosis.   Madeleine does not have MS but her father did and as the daughter of someone with this oft debilitating disease brings an interesting perspective to the table.

Each lifestyle expert focused on a different area.  My specialty is teaching tips and tricks to better manage stress with MS.  The other two areas include physical exercise and emotional patterns with MS.   All three areas are hugely important to learning to thrive with MS - or any chronic illness for that matter.  

In fact the program had such success that five "webisodes" have been produces about living with MS.  These webisodes are available at

It still amazes me how some of the simplest tools can make a positive difference in the lives of people with multiple sclerosis.    There are many tools available in these webisodes along with touching personal stories with which many of us can relate.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed, even without MS.  Even with my training and tools, I can fall victim of my own stress.  It's easy to do and that's why it's so important that everyone work together to help those with MS.

Here are just a few tips to help:

1.  Take 5  (literally, take a five minute time out and let the battery recharge)
2.  Learn to say "No".  Many folks with MS are type A overachievers.  We have a condition.  An illness.  Be kind and gentle to yourself.
3.  Start the day with positive words.  Use them throughout the day.  Avoid words that add stress such as "need" "must" "should".   Instead use words such as "I get to"  "I could".   Start with one positive a day and watch this awareness help you grow into a healthier attitude.

There are so many more tips and tricks!     Let's chat.


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