My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Join me for an MS morning chat and some free flow movement!

Good Morning World!
MS morning chat and free flow sessions. - Join me! A casual chat about MS and what's going on and a couple of days of watching this girl with MS get moving. The videos got cut off a couple of times. That happens with me. But it's a start and gets us moving in the morning which is what these old MS bodies need.
Please note, I am not an instructor. My free flow yoga type routines are ways for me to wake up my body and get the blood flowing. Sometimes I just chat and swing my arms. Sometimes I fall into a nice yoga flow. Each day different, just like The effects of multiple sclerosis.
Here we go...
Sometimes the inspiration of seeing what I've done over the years, what I couldn't do, What I can do now, it all helps! Everyday is different. Take advantage of the good days!
Honestly I'm pretty wiped put today. I volunteered at the casting club yesterday to spread mulch for the wildflowers. Then helped the folks with a dinner party. Wanted to go to music in the park but family trumped friends yesterday. Next week I plan on going. It's such a fun event and one I can do!
Today it's about getting back to work after the weekend.

Let's do this!

Taking Action on MS


I'm feeling very grateful and fortunate to have spent the last year touring the country learning how people "Take action on MS".  

As a certified life coach, I joined two other lifestyle experts, along with Madeline Stowe, and traveled the country to talk about living with multiple sclerosis.   Madeleine does not have MS but her father did and as the daughter of someone with this oft debilitating disease brings an interesting perspective to the table.

Each lifestyle expert focused on a different area.  My specialty is teaching tips and tricks to better manage stress with MS.  The other two areas include physical exercise and emotional patterns with MS.   All three areas are hugely important to learning to thrive with MS - or any chronic illness for that matter.  

In fact the program had such success that five "webisodes" have been produces about living with MS.  These webisodes are available at

It still amazes me how some of the simplest tools can make a positive difference in the lives of people with multiple sclerosis.    There are many tools available in these webisodes along with touching personal stories with which many of us can relate.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed, even without MS.  Even with my training and tools, I can fall victim of my own stress.  It's easy to do and that's why it's so important that everyone work together to help those with MS.

Here are just a few tips to help:

1.  Take 5  (literally, take a five minute time out and let the battery recharge)
2.  Learn to say "No".  Many folks with MS are type A overachievers.  We have a condition.  An illness.  Be kind and gentle to yourself.
3.  Start the day with positive words.  Use them throughout the day.  Avoid words that add stress such as "need" "must" "should".   Instead use words such as "I get to"  "I could".   Start with one positive a day and watch this awareness help you grow into a healthier attitude.

There are so many more tips and tricks!     Let's chat.


What happens during a "relapse" and what caused it?

A relapse is basically new nerve damage to the brain or spinal cord area. A relapse may cause old symptoms to flare up or cause new symptoms to occur. It's quite random. A variety of activities can help cause a relapse.

My relapse nemesis is mismanagement of life. Imagine a diabetic who doesn't take his insulin when needed. Or doesn't eat properly. Or an alcoholic who doesn't work their own program. That is what living with MS is like. And I'm not as strong as I would like to be and I often overdo.

Because MS effects the nerves, many of life's daily activities can be more difficult during a relapse. Just some of the areas hit by MS:

  • Balance / Coordination
  • Weakness
  • Vision
  • Numbness / Tingling
  • Thought problems / Cognitive Thinking
  • Dizziness
  • Pain
Found this great summary of potential relapse outcomes at WebMD - Click Here.

But I don't agree with their slide on preventing relapses. They prioritize western medicine over lifestyle change, nutrition, etc. This girl with MS prefers to reverse this thinking. Place lifestyle first. Make all the natural changes we can toward a healthier lifestyle. Look at Chinese, Ayuervedic and other alternatives. Then go to Western medicine. Use a mix of medical styles to find a balance that works for you.

The goal is to find a lifestyle program that actually works on reducing flare-ups not just covering up the symptoms!

Part of my program includes:

  • Reduce stress/work
  • Accept consequences of reducing work
  • Write, read, explore the mind
  • Learn to chill
  • Breathing meditations
  • Yoga
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Nutrition
  • Physical outlets. Horses for me
  • Mental outlets. Computers and writing and design
  • and many more...
What are some of your program activities?