My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Living life to the Fullest with MS

There are days we are stuck in bed. Or a wheelchair or scooter or a cane. Some days we walk, run, bike and play. Sometimes gravity gets the better of us. Life with MS is not fun. But if we make it fun, then we can say #TakeThatMS!

Attitude is everything. Positive thought can make the difference. As well as learning how to chillax and accept that we have an illness and must take care of our lives as such.
  • Positive attitude. Can't say enough about this.
  • Awareness: meditation and mindfulness
  • Movement: yoga, exercise, tai chi, qigong etc
  • Nutrition: reduce inflammation and other symptoms through food
  • Social media: support groups, friends and family around the world who all understand what we are going through!
  • Peeing in ones pants: it's going to happen so just accept it now and move on.
  • Fatigue: oh dear. I just woke up and now it's bedtime again. How am I to to get through this day?
  • Depression, anxiety: talk to your DR. Use support groups, friends and family
  • Wine: may not be the best for MS physically but mentally can sure help the attitude
  • Learning to relax: it is OK to hold a couch in place with ones body
  • Boundaries: set them. Follow them. Your health comes first!
  • Ask for help: so many of us are Type A. Time to step back a notch.
  • Learn to say No: stressors come in all shapes and sizes. Priorities based on your health and well being are best.
  • Appreciate the little things in life. Stop and smell the roses.
  • Have fun! Pick up new hobbies. Look at life all over again with fresh eyes. Don't wallow in the past.
Here I am fishing once again. Fly fishing is very good on the nerves and when it includes friends, a twenty minute drive and funky Los Angeles surrounds, well, it all makes for a rocking good time! Now granted, I overdid a bit this past week and am feeling it today. It's Saturday and as I planned it, a pretty mellow day.
I'm feeling like the Giant American invasion on my little Philippine friends!

Last night I had a friends party and then a two hour Aromatherapy Yin Yoga workshop at my favorite little yoga studio in Montrose: TheraYogaStudio
Today: a relaxing Saturday with Wall Street Journal, and plenty of lemon-water throughout the day to cleanse this body!

How are you living life to the fullest with MS?

It's all a balancing act. Do more and pay the price. Treat your body right, get a refund on energy.
Right now, I'm treating the body right and restoring and rejuvenating for the week!


  1. Hi Caroline,
    Some great ideas here. I find it so important to have boundaries too, to try and pace myself. It's not always easy to do because others don't appreciate that I get any symptoms from MS when I look so "normal" and well. My biggest way to live life to the full is to make the most of every moment. I like to grasp hold of anything good that I can find and milk it for all it's worth. I don't want to miss out on the good by only focusing on the tough stuff. I do focus on the tough stuff too though, because I think that acknowledging it and giving it its place does help us to be free enough to experience the good stuff too.
    I'm also part of a local MS association. I've found that to be an enormous support. We do aqua aerobics and Pilates together. Some days it's easier than others to do those classes! But we laugh a lot and enjoy being together. I hope you have a great day Caroline,

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