My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

New Intentions, the power of the Moon and right Choices

New Moon coming in 2 days, 6 hours.   What are you going to do to take advantage and say #takethatms?   Here is a post that reminds me to make a plan and do something different.

A few weeks ago a full moon graced our skies. I could feel the energy building. The strength was overwhelming. Frightening. Oh how I've loved to howl at the moon the past. To sit on the barn roof and fall into its power. But it's also a time where I can over do. Over indulge in food, coffee, wine, anything not necessarily good for me in quantity. Add a women's hormones into the mix and well, sometimes it's best to heed the warnings.
Photo and More about moons from PlanetforKids
Choices. That's what we have. Choices. During this full moon in the middle of June, I stole away to a friends house and chose to live a cleansing retreat for five days. From herbal teas to lots of water, healthy food, yoga and meditation, it was empowering: Feeling the energy of the moon and restoring the energy of the body mind and soul.
As my mind cleared I began thinking of new intentions. For me. For life. Not just goals, but actual intentions. Then ways to get there.
New intentions:
  • To live wholly and honestly.
  • To live and love with an open heart
  • To care for my world
How to get there:
  • Faith. Family. Friends.
  • To balance work and play
  • To optimize health
  • To be a productive member in my community
  • To grow residual income for my future
  • To continue growth as local business woman.
  • To continue to help others grow in life
  • To grow in meditation, yoga and body mind soul.
  • To love with an open heart
  • To live with an open heart
  • To care for demons and anxiety with love and an open heart
While this list can and will continue to grow, for now I feel content. Content to be present. Content with where I've come from. And content with where I am going.
I could have chosen a different direction during the full moon. One of destruction and discouragement. But I didn't. I made the right choices, lived with my multiple sclerosis and optimized my life.
This past Friday, June 27, was a new moon. A time to focus on these new intentions and to let go of old ones. Let go of spiderwebs in your attic. Let go of all that is unnecessary and set forth a path of positive choices for the coming month.
During the next two weeks the moon will gain in power as it reaches its full size. As it builds so will I. Continuing to find my new self within my illness. Continuing to make new intentions with which to grow my life. Continuing....

What are your new intentions for this month?

Join me in conversation. Let's do this!


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