My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

#MSreboot Camp, Goals, Strategy and a new Plan

Wow! What a reboot! Thanks for all the support and grateful to have worked with many if you privately via email and phone. It seems that everyone rebooting had success with at least one goal. That's great!
Did I move from a 6 to a 7 on my wellness scale of 1 to 10? I say YES!
Considering the 95F temps, last minute projects, planned projects and my overall excitement toward life right now, I so could have relapsed this week. My legs were on fire yesterday by the end of my trails day event outside. The days of heat were taking their toll. My tremors were getting worse. Convulsing and dry heaving. I know the signs. But dang nabbit, if I didn't rebound! Wahoo! I kept taking my new vitamins, drinking water with lemon in it.  Not only did I survive the event but went home, packed up for my next event, a dog sitting gig, and made plans to see a good friend. Well if this place wasn't beautiful! And seeing my friend, well, that's priceless. Built 1904. Classic craftsman style. Easy to see the inspiration to write:

Here's a repost of the start of our reboot program. Anytime can be a good time for a reboot!
Thanks to everyone who has emailed, called and massaged me about our April #MSreboot Camp. Here are my notes from last nights workshop on making positive change. Join us all month long! Watch this spot for upcoming workshops. This is a special, FREE opportunity to help you get your MS turned around!
This is From our Workshop last. Monday as part of our FREE #MSreboot Camp:

Visualize: on May 1, what do you want to say about yourself? Where do you want to be with your MS or anything in life? What change do you want to see happen?
CC: "I want a more secure future with my projects while maintaining healthy relations and improved well being."
1. Create a list of Goal(s) for April. My list is long this time. One item is enough to get started.
"I want to Move from an average 6 to a 7, in mind body soul, on wellness scale of 1-10"
"I want to expand my two businesses: marketing and wellness coaching."
"I want to be present for my family, friends and commitments, and find distraction at other times."
" I will Try new vitamin program and determine results."
" I am Commited to walking' stretching and exercising more regularly, at least one thing each day."
"I understand that Juicing, herbal Teas and water are good for me and Food can be medicine"
"Appreciate life, family, friends. Appreciate life, family, friends. Appreciate life, family, friends"
"Find a life without pain or drugs for pain"

2. Mantra or two (anything that gets you moving. Been seeing this one a lot lately.)
Because she could, she did!
3. Potential stumbling block(s)
  • Me. My own worst enemy.
  • Lose momentum.
  • Lose vision.
Acknowledge stumbling blocks only long enough to figure out tools to overcome. Do not dwell on these. Focus on the solutions.
4. Tools to get over stumbling block(s)
  1. Sharing my love for holistic health and nutrition with others
  2. Sharing my love for marketing with others.
  3. Friends, family, support.
5. What will I do to reach my goals?
  • Don't wait for the perfect time. Just do it!
  • Set up four GWMS presentations in April.
  • Call on four new clients for marketing.
These can be general statements of specific actions. Be creative and reasonable. You want goals that are reachable.
6. Visualize success!
  1. Imagine yourself on May first, you've accomplished the above goals, how are you feeling?
  2. What are you seeing around you?
  3. What are you hearing people say?
  4. Are there certain aromas, visuals, people in your vision?
7. Motivators
So now, let's put this all together into one tool you can use to keep motivated. I create mini statements of encouragement with the wording for above and come up with the following:
"Because I gave four presentations this month for GWMS, I am on track to helping others and finding a new financial independence for myself. "
"Because I made four cold calls this week, I hit my goal and am hearing folks say "gosh, Caroline, so glad you are doing so well with your ms!"

Remember. This is a work I progress. Erase my notes, fill in your thoughts.
Join us for our FREE MSreboot Camp!
Watch this spot for our next FREE workshop.
818-585-5660 or thegirlwithms (at) gmail . com

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