My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Living with MS: In a Nutshell

Such a great memory from a couple of years ago.  Worthy of reposting!

The little things with MS add up quickly. Here are a few notes from my trip to Texas in a nutshell to remind myself that I can thrive with MS:
  • Weather - 70F is about the perfect weather for MS
  • Family - quality time necessary for healthy living
  • Friends - how do we live without them?
  • Relaxed schedules - going with the flow and learning to float...
  • Good eats - healthy, and not so healthy! Sometimes it's just about the taste.
  • Good drinks - from juicing to water to local brewery, No Label, fun to explore!
  • Activities: TV, film, photography, hiking, golfing and more. Got my Canon 400mm lens back from shop. Watch out birds!
Here I am trying to play golf after 20 years of not trying. Haha. Had a good coach. But boy was I sore the next day!

  • New movies/shows - started watching Heartland. The simple things in life...
  • Good conversation - in person and online. Being present.
  • Exploration: Lady Bird Johnson wildflower center. Love this place! Visual. Physical. Peaceful. Beautiful. - having an open mind and enjoying all there is in life!

Some photos I took along the way:
Cardinal at LBJ wildflower center
"Texas...where nature and culture meet"
"Healthy living with MS...where nature and culture meet"
Let's do this!

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