My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Little Miracles and Thriving with MS

We wake up, not knowing what the day will bring. We have ideas, probably a plan and even an agenda, but the day will unfold as it may, and not necessarily to match our expectations.
The other day I had an agenda. To work on my new workshop on MS and nutrition, A New Diet = A New You. And as I worked, the day started to unfold in mysterious ways. First, the workshop was rescheduled at one venue. OK, I said to myself, let's use the time for research. But instead we formed a circle, pulled a little miracle out of the community help box and decided to proceed with a soul circle meditation. Wow! Imagine a small group of folks, talking and supporting each other as we discuss life, struggles, work and more. This was truly a miracle. My mantra for the month:
Dreams grow holy put into action.
OK, Time to put these dreams into action!
What started out as one day quickly turned into quite another! While I work with my clients, rebuilding lives after MS, creating new diets and nutritional help, I am pleased to include these little miracles with my healing workshops and private wellness coaching.
Workshops are provided throughout the year in various locations. Call me for more information at 818-585-5660. See you on the road with MS!


  1. Love essential oils! Have found many options to help with MS symptoms m

  2. Do you know MS can be prevented now? symptoms for multiple sclerosis and prevent is not a scare now.

  3. Getting through a day and accomplishing a thing or two is no easy task. I'm happy when I can get something done no matter how sloppy or slow it might be.
