My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

A Day of Rest, Rejuvenation and Random Surprise!

Fortunate to be at my friends little hideaway. Resting and recouperaring from the last couple of weeks. Energy is just low. Drained. Wiped out. But here I am in a little piece of heaven while my body rejuvinates.
This is Leroy. He is my dog of the day. He lives here and let's me come over and rest with him. He seems to know just how much ball I can play before I get too tired.
Last evening was spent by a beautiful fire. It's an original Batchelder fireplace. This is quite the bungalow and could easily live here. Lots of great reading around. No chance of getting bored here!
Yesterday we celebrated the life of a community trails advocate, fellow board member and friend, Elizabeth Blackwelder. It was a beautiful ceremony and saw many friends and acquaintances. But needless to say I was wiped out. Last night and this morning. Legs on fire. Time to rest.
Today was a full day of rest. Other than a doodle here or there, a fledged attempt at a wall etching, this has been a pretty chill day.
Batchelder fireplace 1924
And then the random surpise.
Received a Facebook post about a new website/business called Basically it connects those needing in or out of home health care and those with health care providers. This is huge in my hood. So I contacted my old friend and boss, Mike Jones, of Science, and congratulated him on the launch. Next thing you know, I have a conference call Monday afternoon with Home Hero to see where I can help out. I have so much passion toward what they are doing it has me absolutely psyched! I will keep you posted.
I will give this project more attention but wanted to get it on the blog! Many of us are going to need this one day or another.
Rain is slowly making it down the State of California. Hoping it hits here. We need it. Desperately, we need some rain.
Off to do a rain dance...of sorts!

And to enjoy yet another fire...

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