My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

The New Year, MS, the Big Picture and Accountability

Managing anger is now a priority for 2014. I wrote for quite a bit this morning. Here. On this page that is now blank as my mind. I hit save several times. Bottom line, it's all gone. Deep breath. #itiswhatitis

I was in a bit of a glum mood. While quite thankful and appreciative for all I was able to do this past year but there is a part of me that can get rather blue.

Rather than dwell on the lost, I am focusing on the quick video I created and my thought process it took for me to be where I am right now. What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday, this time, I was lost. But knew a solution was on her way. My dear friend and my life coach, Barby, was en route. Less than 24 hours later and I'm feeling back on track. Forget my earlier posts and the negative thoughts it may have included. What I want now is to look forward to living life. To working. To playing. To saving. Lots to do in this limited timed and my shelf life is about half. If I'm Lucky.

2014. Year of the horse. Makes sense. Born in the same year. Lived my life as a horse. This small confirmation helps boost my confidence. I am readying for the coming year. The balance between work, community, family, friends, spiritual, health and me is a continual battle. But one I am ready for! Finally. I am feeling it.


Yep. I'm feeling it. And it feels so good.

Plan for the coming year:

  1. How happy was 2013?
  2. How can I improve happiness level?
  3. Visual and define this image with clarity.
  4. What am I accountable for?
  5. Who am I accountable to?
  6. Do I need support?
  7. What are my motivators, both internal and external?

That's the beginning. And then the big question: how do I manage my MS so that I am always on my A game when needed? Or if my B game is needed, am I ok with that? (stemming from my feelings of dropping the ball on things last year). And, if only my C game is available, shall I just stay home, couch it, and feel OK with it?

I'm looking for what causes me the least amount of stress now and later. By that I mean it might feel fine now but for weeks later I'm waking up to this nagging, nagging thought about poor decisions.

Right now I'm considering some priorities. Commitments and Things I want to do in 2014:

Community work:

It's going to be a busy year. Stepping off one board and then adding another, the Tournament of Roses for LCF. Looking forward to helping all of these groups with marketing and support.

La Canada Flintridge (LCF) Chamber of Commerce, vp business support, LCF Trails Council, president; LCF Tournament of Roses, board member at large.


Generally I am very pleased with my businesses. I am scheduled for an interesting social media class at the Art Center of Design in Pasadena. An amazing school from which I've already studied graphic design.

CCA Local business: marketing, social media, graphic design

GirlwithMS: workshops, coaching, writing, blog

MSontheRoad: awareness for MS. Take a few adventures. Possibly: Calif, Texas, Ark, Oregon,...


Horses - ride Tennessee walkers out in Cyn Country. Opportunity to ride weekly

Gardening. The little things...

Photography. Get lens fixed. And get those birds!

Fishing - learn and enjoy all I can.

Write. Write. Write.

Play with food.

Art. Drawings. Water color. Experience it all...

Well. I'm kind of tired just thinking about all I want to do this coming year. And this doesn't even include time with family, friends or church.

I'm going to ponder these things in my life and prioritize. Where do I need my A game? B game? What are optional? When fun becomes work then there is an issue an issue. Work shall be fun and profitable. So which work can be most fun and most profitable for 2014?

And how much of this work/fun can I do and still manage my MS for optimal living? For thriving? That's what we want isn't it. To thrive again. To thrive again...

We will my friends, we will thrive again!



  1. I, too, focus on happiness despite the trials with MS. I believe if we were neighbors we would be friends as we align closely in our thoughts and interests. We have the same goals with our blogs. It is great to read someone else's positive take on life!

    Melissa Cook from

  2. Thank you Melissa! I could use some positivity today. Was feeling a bit down. Off to read your blog and get some happy going on!
