My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

A day trip to Downtown LA, a conference and fun times!

Since it's too warm to go outside for a field trip I am reminiscing a fun one I took awhile back:

Ever had that feeling about being so psyched for just being that you're shivering and jittery for the pure enjoyment of life?
That is me today. Have no idea what brings this feeling on and if I could bottle it I would. But waking up early, hitting the train by 7am, headed downtown to a conference, it brings the day into an exciting perspective.
The conference was on social media, small business and chambers of commerce. What a plethora of resources for sure.
I was just psyched to take the gold line to union station and grab a taxi a mile to the office. A mile isn't far but in downtown LA can be a nuisance. Had a great conference. All morning. Networking, social, learning. It was all there. Way to go Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.
Small world story. Was chatting it up this morning with OJ and coffee. The wall filled with photographs of past board presidents. This one photo was right in my line of site. And all I could think about was how I know this person. He looked so familiar. So I checked it out.

No wonder! It was My friends dad, John Argue, who passed several years ago. He was very influential in 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.
The conference was on social media and marketing. Excellent program. Lots gained.
The LA chamber is located at 350 S Bixel.
The conference was great. Full of information and many new friends and folks. And best part? Public transportation, my favorite. This time I got the locals route and took the 16 bus to Pershing square where I could pick up the red line to union station and then the gold line to pasadena. Love how you can text to find out when next bus is coming.
En route was the beautiful Pershing square, the memorial to Pershing and the ice skating rink. All in the middle of downtown Los Angeles.
While palm trees define the LA skyline the juxtaposition between them and life downtown always intrigues me.
I stopped for lunch at Union station then on the gold line to Pasadena for some shopping and adventures. In the meantime, taking a break...
Union station is one of my favorite places. If these walls could talk. Wowza. Years and years of history. Beautiful architecture. People a plenty.
Time to hit the train! The gold line this time to Pasadena.
Leaving Los Angeles....heading north to Pasadena and then home.
And then to Pasadena we arrive. Time for shopping, strolling, and a glass of wine.
Well, that was quite a day. A fully packed, no MS sort of day! Tired today but not wiped out. Well, sort of wiped but can rally for two events today. A DAR meeting and then Festival in Lights at our local park where I'll be watching the kids play in snow. And knowing that Saturday will include beloved time on couch and Mizzou football, I don't mind pushing myself a bit beforehand.
Here's to a rocking Friday! Remember to take time to enjoy your days during this often stressful time we call the holidays. Take time for yourself. Be gentle. Be easy. Be kind. Love yourself.

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