My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Thanksgiving, Radio Show and MS

While it's not all rosy, life with MS brings benefits. Yesterday I was a guest on a new radio show, Life's Journey's with Tim Manson, the 7 Minute Motivator. Tim is an executive coach, has MS and has found solace through horses his entire life. Sound familiar? But man can he can motivate! I was moved to tears seconds before Going on air.

The show airs every Tuesday at 10am PST on

Click here to hear the broadcast.

I come in about 15 minutes into the show but don't miss the beginning. Tim is amazing!

While preparing for this radio show and because it is Thanksgiving here in the USA, my attention toward gratitude has been overwhelming. My new mantra:

Go to sleep with a thankful attitude and you will wake with gratitude.

And then, after break, he brings me back on and honestly, I felt like Catniss being introduced as the Girl on Fire in the Hunger Games. Or the prize filly at some famous Thororoughbred sale. Goosebumps. Pride, but just enough. I'm sure I was sitting an inch taller when he was done.

Click here to hear the broadcast.

Before the show I spent the morning doing a little chatting about being thankful. I got the body moving just a bit and the energy in a good rhythm for the day.

So thankful. Much gratitude.

Amazing what one person can bring to one life. My limited time with Tim was motivating. I can see why he is successful as the 7-Minute Motivator!

Click here to learn more about Tim Manson's services, as a motivational speaker, his business, Innovative Horozons and his amazing EAGLES program with horses and executive leadership.

And to keep up to date on Tim's activities, check out his Facebook page:


So much to be thankful for this year! But now it's Time to get back to the kitchen, prepare for friends and family and all the good stuff coming up in the next 36 hours.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


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