Here is a quick list I wrote for my thankfulness with MS. More to come...
MS Thanksgivings and Blessings. A start...
Learning to stop and smell the roses
Working for self. Creating flexible life.
Redefining role as career woman to that of freelance designer, marketer, photographer and easy going gal.
Appreciate going from Uptight to more chill.
Thankful for becoming a life coach and helping others with MS.
Learning to not let stress take over my life
Not stressing the little things
Learning to set boundaries. Most difficult me thinks.
Spending time with family. Adjustment but worth it.
Thankful that I lived life to the fullest until I got sick
Thankful that I can be flexible with my bucket list to work with my MS
Thankful for the double blind USC study.
Thankful for friends and family.
Thankful to social media ms family. The only ones who really get it.
Thankful for the research and information about MS from all types of traditional and alternative approaches.
Thankful that I wake up.
Thankful for my community, neighborhood, friends.
Thankful that I've learned to feel more complete by being able to do a little freelance work, volunteer time and me time
Thankful for realizing the importance of Me time!
So thankful for renewing my relationship with God. Strengthening it.
In this process the body actually damages certain areas of itself, in the MS patient the damage usually occurs to the myelin layer that surrounds both the brain and the spinal column. Prognosis for multiple sclerosis patients can vary depending on the severity of the damage done and on the individual.multiple sclerosis prognosis