My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

MS, boundaries and ability to "take a nap"

Well, I am home safe and sound from my first MSontheRoad adventure. And, the regeneration I feel is electrifying. Not only did I have a grand adventure in Oregon involving horses, fly fishing and great friends, but I was also able to attend a session at Oregon State University's Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Program. Met some great folks. More on that click here.

But I am home and reality hit. Things to do, people to see. Today was the monthly meeting of our local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Tonight is our local high school's 50 year all-class reunion and many old friends will be there. But I am wiped out. My legs feel like rubber ducks.

In addition the temperatures are predicted to rise to 90F tomorrow and Sunday. So not MS friendly. And we have our annual food and wine festival on Sunday to raise money for our local educational foundation. As both a board member and ambassador with our local Chamber, I will be both volunteering and attending. Always a fun event but 90F?

With all of this in mind I have decided not to attend our local reunion and homecoming festivities. It's just too much energy involved. And I don't feel like I have any reserves. Or not much. I will be attending dinner with some good friends who just returned from safari in South Africa. We're having dinner at one of my favorite places, Casa Cordoba in Montrose. Salivating as I write. In fact. Well. Never mind. I can wait. I'm feeling a little peckish.

Boundaries. For me these can be very hard to define. I'm a social bug by nature. I don't like to say no. I don't want to miss out. But it's that ability to turn off. To take a nap. To quiet oneself and recharge that is so essential for managing this disease.

Often I wonder If I had the ability to "take a nap" to begin with, would I have acquired MS?

Off to nap and ponder...


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