My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Horses, Sunshine and MS

What a day! First a ride through the forest on my old friend, Pepper the horse. Been a couple of years since I've seen her. Rode up to the clear cut and beyond.

The rain was coming down hard. Hadn't really stopped in several days. But as soon as we saddled up and headed out the sun was al ours.

Kay riding Patrone for his first time out on the trails. Second time on him. Several of these horses got delayed in some training and are just picking it back up. Patrone leaves for his new home next month. Kay rides and competes quite successfully in barrel racing.

Heading out...

Heading through the forest to get up to the clear cut. This is a working timber ranch and harvests are managed along with salmon and fish restoration. These guys are excellent land stewards.

Love it at top. So peaceful.

Wearing the gopro, got some nice footage.

Sun came out and we rode to where we could see Yaquina in the distance. We could ride this road all the way to Toledo but we turned around after awhile.


We headed back, keeping an eye out for wildlife. Bears, elk, cougars, all of whom roam this countryside.

We went and checked on the bulls.

What a ride! The cattle have all come down now that the sun is out. Calves by their sides. Everything at peace.

Well, not much like a god ride to send your MS into remission for the day! The weather stayed a beautiful 60ish degrees and I decided it was time to throw a fly in the water. Now or never since I leave in the morning.


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