My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Rain doesn't slow down this Girl with MS

Typical Oregon. Lots of rain. But, plenty to do inside!

A little boggle, good friends, excellent generator and some fun art makes for a great soggy day.

Melissa's dinner on paper. Yum!
Not MS friendly but time for a Russian cigarette!
Melissa's self portrait with donkey.
The generator. Necessary when the power went out yesterday.
Tucker dog!
And the Pepper at feeding time. We brought them in due to the storm. Miss this girl! Love the home grown alfalfa Timothy mixture. And amazing grass hay. Hoping for a few days of sun so we can hay another field before winter. It won't be this week though!

We may go into town today pending weather. It's a little quieter right now but round two is on the way.

I'm loving how my MS is staying low. Granted, the weather helps as it's been in the 50s. Not cold enough to effect my arthritis but cool enough to keep MS settled. Plus the non stringent schedule helps. Wake up. Jacuzzi. Write. Coffee. Water. Explore.


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