My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Oregon with MS: beaver creek, chanterelles, fishing holes.

Day one and wow! What a beauty. We hit the trail in the morning and had a nice three mile stroll up north Beaver Creek road. Birds were out and the skies still clear, you could feel the weather creeping in. The ladies were in front of me. While trailing a bit thought I might see some wildlife spooked up by their chatter. I kept my eyes scanning the forest and tree lines looking for horizontal lines. As a hunter that was always a good scan for horizontal lines in a vertical forest. Deer, elk, bear, cougar....they are all here and you can feel the wildness as you walk.

Small video clips along the way and various photographs make for a good recording of this area. Some nice looking fishing holes along the way. After the rain storm settles we will go check some of these out.

View along north Beaver Creek, Oregon
Beaver creek, Oregon
Beautiful incense cedars among others fill the forests
My friends donated some trees from their forest for this project. Nice to see it in action!
We explored the Beaver Creek Nature Area. It's relatively new and a great place to visit!

Then we went chanterelle hunting/gathering. Fall, after a rain, look for chanterelles. And we found some! Many had been chewed on and a bit soggy but they will work for sure.

What a bounty this earth provides. And there's more...


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