My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

MS on hold, Fishing on hold, rain flowing freely

Ever notice that MS hides with the sun? Well, it seems to be for now! Haven't felt any real MS symptoms since arriving in Oregon. Haven't had much sun either.

Round two of mega storm is hitting as predicted. We took advantage of the break earlier and headed down the coast to Yachats, a lovely, quaint little town, which I haven't visited in well over ten years. On our way out Beaver Creek there was already some flooding on the road. Our trip, depending on the rain level, would need to be pretty quick. The road can become impassable and chain saws are a good idea with the wind and downed trees. We're just picking up a newspaper. We don't need too big of an adventure!

Heading south through Waldport and on down HwY 101, I was filled with wonderful memories of living in this great state. So often my friends and I would be spending our time in nature and on the road, most likely based around some adventure of kayaking, mt biking, back country skiing or more.

Like any good state with water, there are numerous bridges in Oregon. This new one is being painted and stretches across the Alsea river into Waldport.

Looking toward the bridge through the increasing rain and decreasing visibility.

We decided to look for the Sunday Oregonian paper and get back tomthe ranch before the road flooded. On our way we saw a small sign for a fly shop. The shop was in the lobby of a motel called the Dublin House.

It would be interesting to come back here and do some saltwater fly fishing. The entrance to Yachats river looked promising for some large sea running trout. Both noted for future times. Excited about the possibility of a small cutthroat on Beaver creek is enough for me. Especially if I can find one on the ranch in that little fishing hole...but it will all depend upon the rain.

And considering how fast the fields are flooding, we may be fishing from kayaks in the horse pastures!

The creek is swollen. Cows are calling for their calves. Horses taking cover. Fishing will wait.

In the meantime, good to review regulations, write, build a fire, eat tomato soup, chat with friends, and enjoy his great life I've been given. Take THAT MS!


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